Product Set

5. EC + POS.png


You can create combinations of 1-20 products with the "Product Set" feature. Use a variety of product set combinations along with engaging content to run promotions and boost sales. For more info about publishing product sets in the retail store, please refer to POS Product Set | POS App and POS Product Set | POS Admin for details.

⚠️ Before you start, please be reminded that:

  • For HKD stores/ Hong Kong-based merchants, to enable this feature, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.
  • This feature currently only supports stores using the e-Commerce system, Retail POS system, Advanced Store Management Tools Module, and Store Management Module.


This article will cover the following: 


1. How to add a new product set 

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, proceed to [Products & Categories] > [Product Set] and click on the Add button on the top right. 


  • The following steps are set from the perspective of "Product Set as one product", and will not change the child product settings of the product set. Likewise, the status of child products will not affect the status of the product set.
  • Bulk publish/unpublish, bulk delete of product sets, Out-Of-Stock Reminder, Viewing product set inventory quantity, and copying product sets are currently not supported.
  • If a product set contains Child Product A, then Child Product A cannot be deleted. 



A. Child Product and Pricing  

In the "Child Product and Pricing" tab, you can set up "Regular Price" and "Pricing Type".


In the Pricing Type drop-down menu, you can select "Fixed Price", "Discount Amount" and "Discount %". 

  • Fixed Price: No matter which child product variant the customer picks, the final sale price of the product set will always be fixed.
  • Discount Amount: Based on the total price of selected child products, the discount amount is then subtracted to get the final sale price of the product set. 
  • Discount %: Based on the total price of selected child products, the discount percentage is then subtracted to determine the final sale price of the product set.


If you select a discount amount or discount %, you must fill in the "Price Display". You are suggested to fill in the total lowest price of child products in your product set. 

Example of product set price displayed on the store:



Once the "Regular Price" and "Price Type" of the product sets are set up, in the "Child Product" section, click the Select Child Product button.

*Note: A product set can include up to 20 products.


Click Add to add the product to the product set.


You can change the arrangement of the child products. Click Select X product(s) to confirm your selection.


In the "Child Product List", you can set up the required quantity of child products in the product set. 

*Note: The maximum required quantity for child products in a product set is 50. The total required quantity for selected child products should not exceed 250.



B. (Main) Images

When uploading the main image for the product set in the "Image" tab, it is suggested that you select 750 x 750-pixel images. You may upload up to 12 main images.



C. Product Set Info

In the "Product Set Info" tab, please follow the indicated language when filling in the product set name. If the English product set information is missing, customers will only see the product set information in Chinese.


Fill in the summary and description of the product set. The summary will be displayed under "Product Name" on the product details page.


  • Additional Product Photos: You can upload more images here with up to 20 images in total. 
  • Related Products: You can choose Smart recommendation, Custom, or Display none. For more details, please reference the following FAQ articles: Smart Recommendation, Related Product Customization



D. Categories

In the "Categories" tab, you can select categories for the product sets.

*Note: In [Products & Categories] > [Categories] > "View products", the top right "Add products to category" button  is currently not applicable for product sets.



E. Search Engine Optimization

You can fill in the product descriptions and keywords in the "Search Engine Optimization" tab to increase product exposure. For more details, please refer to the following article: Store SEO Guide.


F. Settings

In the "Settings" tab, you can orderly set up:

  1. Hidden Product
    You can choose whether or not to hide product sets from your store and send the purchase link to customers.

  2. Purchase Limit Settings
    You can choose whether or not to enable the "Purchase Limit Settings." If enabled, you can set the maximum quantity per purchase for the product set.

  3. Preset Product Publish Date
    The product will be published to the storefront at the date you preset. For more details, please refer to Preset Product Publish Date.

  4. Preset Product Available Time
    The product will be available for customers during the timeframe you preset. For more details, please refer to Preset Product Available Time.

  5. Not applicable to order-level discount
    You can choose whether or not to enable the "Not applicable for order-level discount" feature. If enabled, the product set will not be applied to any discounts in the store.

  6. Exclude Payment / Delivery Options
    Under the "Exclude Payment / Delivery Options," check the boxes for payment or delivery options you would like to exclude from the product set.


G. Summary of product specifications

Set up Product information, Excluded delivery channels, and Product categories for product set to improve the effectiveness of advertising and product targeting. For more details, please reference the following article: Product Feed Data | Products.



Once you have completed all the required items for setup, you can choose whether to publish the product set from the top or bottom of the page. After confirmation, click the Add button to complete.



  • Once you have added the product set, you will not be able to edit the pricing for the child product and product set.
  • Product set quantity will be calculated based on the current inventory. You will not be able to set this individually. 
  • Product set inventory is calculated based on the child product. Therefore, there will be no product SKU or Location ID. 
  • Product sets cannot be selected as child products. 
  • When adding a child product with multiple variations, all variations of the child product will be included in the product set. The function to select partial variations in the product set is currently not supported.
    For example, Child Product B has three variations of "Large, Medium and Small"
    Therefore it supports Product Set C = Child Product A x 1 + Child Product B (Large, Medium, Small) x 1
    And does not support Product Set C = Child Product A x 1 + Child Product B (Large) x 1


2. How to calculate inventory

Merchants cannot set independent inventory quantities for product sets. The available quantity of a product set, therefore, depends on the available inventory of the child products within the product set.

Child Product A

Child Product  B

Product Set C = A+B

Available inventory = 10

Available inventory = 20

Available to purchase = 10 sets

Available inventory = 10, Accept Orders When Out of Stock feature is enabled

Available inventory = 20

Available to purchase = 20 sets

Unlimited quantity 

Available inventory = 20

Available to purchase = 20 sets


Available inventory = 10, Accept Orders When Out of Stock feature is enabled

Available inventory = -20, Accept Orders When Out of Stock feature is enabled

Available to purchase = Unlimited

Unlimited quantity

Available inventory = -20, Accept Orders When Out of Stock feature is enabled

Available to purchase = Unlimited

*Note: Product sets will not appear in the Inventory Management section of SHOPLINE Admin/ONE, or in inventory reports. 


3. View from Storefront & Checkout page

A. View from storefront

Once you have selected the "Add to cart" button for the product set, it will appear like the image below. Click Build your product set to select the variation and quantity of your product. 


  • When you click on the child product thumbnail, the child product image will open in a pop-up window. 
  • When you click on the individual product name, a child product page will open in a new tab. If the child product is not published, the button will be grayed out and cannot be selected.


If it is a product with multiple variants, it will appear as below. Customer can select their desired variants and click Add to set.


Once the child products have been selected and reached the minimum purchase amount, the Add to Cart button will be clickable with the final price displayed next to it.


Once you click the Add to Cart button, a pop-up checkout window will appear on the page.



B. View the checkout page

Once the product set has been added to the cart and you have proceeded to the checkout page, the product details will appear under "Product Information." 



C. Order details page

  • In the "Product Details" section, the child product's product SKU will appear. If Omni-channel is enabled, the product warehouse will be displayed instead. 
  • Editing the number of product sets, child products, or add another product set are not supported.
  • Order splitting/returns can be done with the product set as a unit, but order splitting/returns are not possible for child products. 



D. How product sets are recorded in reports

1. Order reports

  • Product sets and child products will appear on individual rows. 
  • The "Product Type" column will show "Product Set" and "Product Set - Child Product".
  • The names and variant types of child products within a product set will appear in the "Variation" column. 

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12.13.50 PM.png


  • There is no SKU and Location ID for product sets. If you have set one for the child product, the SKU or Location ID will be displayed in the respective field of the child product.
  • When selecting fields to export, it is suggested to include "Variation" and "Product Type" for more comprehensive report information.
  • The quantity of child products may vary according to the quantity of the product set.
    Take the table above for example, the quantity of child products in "Essential Oil Set" is as follows:
    Lavender Essential Oil * 1 Ginger Essential Oil * 2 Juniper Essential Oil L * 1 Juniper Essential Oil M * 1

    However, since the quantity of the product set is 3, the quantity of the child product is tripled, resulting in:
    Lavender Essential Oil * 3 Ginger Essential Oil * 6 Juniper Essential Oil L * 3 Juniper Essential Oil M * 3


2.  Product sales volume reports, and revenue analysis

  • The data of product sets will be presented in the form of sales volume. Names and variant types of child products will not appear in the "Variation" column.



4. Notes

  • If the delivery fee is calculated based on "Order Weight", the product set weight will be the total weight of the combined child products. 
  • If the delivery fee is based on "Product Quantity", the delivery fee will be calculated with the product set as one unit.
  • The product list page currently does not support the "Sold out" label. 
  • The "Back in Stock Notification" and "Low Inventory Reminder" will not be shown on the product detail page.
  • Free Gifts, Add-ons cannot be added to the product set. 
  • Product sets currently can not be set as a Product Subscription. 
  • Product sets features currently do not support the following: A+B Bundle Promotion, Express Checkout Page, editing the product set quantity on the order details page, creating manual orders from the Admin, Product Review import, Express Cart, Purchase Limit Campaign, Product Flash Price Campaign, Bulk import/update, shared Free Gifts/Add-Ons inventory, Open API, layout engine. 



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