The "Shoplytics (Pro)" module provides flexible custom analysis intervals, provide a variety of high-level data reports, and grasp opportunities for revenue growth optimization.
The "Shoplytics (Pro)" module includes the following features:
- Introduction | Shoplytics
- Home|Shoplytics
- Omni-Channel Analysis Introduction | Shoplytics
- Sales: Sales Detail | Shoplytics
- Sales: Sales Overview | Shoplytics
- Sales: Payments | Shoplytics
- Products | Shoplytics
- Products: Product Sales Analysis | Shoplytics
- Product Repurchase Analysis | Shoplytics
- Orders: Order Overview | Shoplytics
- Customers: Shopper Analysis | Shoplytics
- Customers: Advanced Customer Analysis | Shoplytics
- Sales and Promotions | Shoplytics
- Customer Behavior: Conversion | Shoplytics
- Customer Behavior: Shopping Cart | Shoplytics
- Customer Behavior: Shop Search Analysis | Shoplytics
- Retail Store: Store Performance | Shoplytics
- Retail Store: Staff Performance | Shoplytics
- Exporting Reports|Shoplytics