Traffic Maintenance Fee Overview

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In this article, you'll find the conditions for charging and refunding the transaction service fee and its calculation.


The following will be covered:


1. Traffic maintenance fee calculation method  

Depending on a merchant's plan, SHOPLINE will charge a percentage-based order-volume traffic maintenance fee for each transaction, calculated according to the table below:

  • Blue cells (ones with the check mark "V") indicate that orders with this Order/ Payment Status will incur traffic maintenance fees.
  • Red cells (ones with the cross mark "X") indicate that orders with this Order/ Payment Status will not incur system traffic maintenance fees and are refundable.
  • Cross-month adjustments of the payment status to "Partially Refunded" will not trigger a refund calculation. However, during the monthly settlement, the system will calculate the traffic maintenance fees based on the "Order Total" amount. Therefore, if there is a need for partial refunds, please edit the order simultaneously to make the "Order Total" amount equal to the "Actual Received" amount.

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Sources included in traffic maintenance fee calculation

  1. Orders created in SHOPLINE Admin 
  2. Storefront orders
  3. Livestream orders
  4. Message Center orders

Sources excluded from traffic maintenance fee calculation

  1. Orders imported from API 
  2. Orders created in POS App
  3. Orders created in Smart OMO
  4. Imported customer information Total Spend

*Note: For Hong Kong-based stores (Currency: Hong Kong Dollar, country/ region: Hong Kong), please contact SHOPLINE's Online Merchant Success Team for order details.


Charge exclusion conditions 

  1. The "Payment Status" of an order is "Expired" or "Failed".  
  2. The "Payment Status" of an order is "Unpaid", "Refunding" or "Refunded" and the "Order Status" is "Cancelled," or "Deleted". 
  3. [Coming Soon] The new "Advanced Return Management" feature is enabled, the return order status is "Completed", and the return amount is less than the refundable amount. For more information on the new Advanced Return Management feature, please refer to Advanced Return Management (New).


Refund exclusion conditions

  1. Child orders split after the month.
  2. Orders with a maintenance fee refund record (Each order will only be refunded once).
  3. Orders that are beyond the retrospective period of traffic maintenance fee data (3 months).
  4. For orders with a payment status of "Partially Refunded", if the order amount changes after the month, the system will not recalculate and refund the system maintenance fee.



  • Even if an order is cancelled or deleted, if the payment status of the order remains "Paid," the traffic maintenance fee will still be charged for that order. Please be sure to pay close attention before cancelling or deleting orders.
  • The refund of the system traffic maintenance fee for each order will be re-evaluated within 3 months.
    • Example: Orders in May will be settled on 1 June, but on 1 July, 1 August, and 1 September, the system will re-examine whether there have been any changes made to the status of orders in May. If there is a change from a blue cell to a red one, the system will then trigger a refund mechanism. Simply put, orders in each month will be calculated for payment (settlement) once and checked for refunds three times.
  • Upon including all eligible orders for payment/ refund, the current payable amount will be calculated based on the traffic maintenance fee percentage and taxes specified in the contract quotation. Please note that the system will calculate the amount based on the data generated at the time of report export. If the order status is adjusted after the report export, it will not change the amount of the traffic maintenance fee.


2. Traffic maintenance fee invoice 

The traffic maintenance fee report, bills, and invoices are issued as follows:

  1. Report generation time: 1st of the next month at 16:00 (UTC+8).
    Please see Report Export Panel to learn how to export the report.
  2. Billing email sending time: 10th of the next month at 10:00 (UTC+8). Please refer to the notification sample, and refer to Service Fees and Payment to know more about the payment method.
  3. Invoice issuance time: 2 to 3 days after the bill settlement (it shall be postponed if such date falls on a holiday), and will be sent to the shop email.


3. Export the transaction service fee report

Proceed to SHOPLINE Admin > [Report & Analytics] > [Report Export] to export the transaction service fee report. 

*Note: If your store has not created any orders yet, the "Transaction Service Fee Report" will not be displayed on the page. For more details about the transaction service fee, please refer to the following article



In the report, you can find the detailed records for the current month.



The new return order includes fields such as "Type", "Return Number", "Original Order Number", "Return Creation Time", "Return Status", "Original Order Total", and "Return Total".

For more information on the new return order, please refer to: [Coming Soon] Advanced Return Management (New).

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