Blog Article (New)

1. EC (EN).png

The Blog feature allows you to create promotional articles to advertise your products and brand, effectively boosting store traffic. You can easily manage blog articles directly within the SHOPLINE Admin.

⚠️ Before you start, please be reminded that: If you have enabled the Layout Engine editor, please adjust the code according to this document or contact the Online Merchant Success Team.


This article will cover the following:


1. Add / edit articles

Step 1

Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Online Store Design] > [Blog] and click the Add article button.

*Note: The limit is 3,000 articles. Once reached, no more articles can be added.

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Step 2

Enter the post title and content. The text editor features include:

  1. Undo / Redo
  2. Heading (Paragraph、H2、H3、H4、H5、H6)
  3. Font size / Color / Background color / Bold / Italic / Strikethrough / Underline / Code
  4. Remove format
  5. Text alignment
  6. Bulleted / Numbered list
  7. Decrease / Increase indent
  8. Insert link / image / table / media
  9. Source (Edit the article content in HTML format. For more information, please refer to: View HTML from Text Editor)


  • The post title supports a maximum of 80 characters and is set as H1 by default.
  • After editing in HTML format, please switch back to the regular mode to check if the article content is correct before saving.

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Step 3

SEO setting. The SEO title and description not only appear in search results but also serve as the preview for each blog article. If you want to edit the title and content of a published article, please also update the title and description here to ensure consistency.

i. Title

The title supports a maximum of 55 characters.

ii. Description

The description supports a maximum of 230 characters. Add title and description to see the search engine preview.

iii. Social Preview

The social preview image is displayed in the Admin article list and storefront article preview, as well as when you share the link on social media. It supports JPG or PNG formats. Please use the recommended image size on social media platforms.

iv. Keywords

Keywords help search engines better understand your online store. Customers will not see them in search results or on storefronts. The maximum limit is 160 characters. It's recommended to set the most relevant 3-5 groups of keywords, separated by commas.

v. SEO-Friendly URL

The SEO-Friendly URL appears at the end of the article's URL. For better search engine recognition, it’s recommended to use English letters or numbers. If you use Chinese characters, they will be automatically encoded.

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Step 4

Select the "Article Status" on the right to choose whether to publish directly or save as a draft. Click Save in the upper right corner to finish editing.

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[Coming Soon] Step 5

Click open the dropdown menu on the right. Select a category and click Save to save the settings.

For more information about article categories, please refer to Article Category|Blog.

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2. Manage articles

Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Online Store Design] > [Blog] to view all the blog articles. Click Publish, Hide, Edit, and Delete on the right to perform the actions.


  • The articles are sorted from newest to oldest based on the time they were added.
  • The article thumbnail defaults to the social preview image you set. If you haven't uploaded a social preview image, it will display the first image in the article. If neither is available, the system default image will be shown.
  • [Coming Soon] For more information about article categories, please refer to Article Category|Blog.

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Once an article is deleted, its content cannot be restored. When an article is hidden, it will not be visible on the storefront. If a customer tries to visit the URL of a deleted or hidden article, they will be redirected to a 404 page.

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3. Add blog in Menu Navigation

You can add the blog posts page or a certain article to the storefront menu for customers to easily access. For more information about pages, please refer to: Pages Management.

Step 1

Go to [Online Store Design] > [Menu Navigation] and click the Add button.

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Step 2

To add the blog posts page, select the options below for "Menu item type" and "Select Page / Category / Blog Post / Promotions" two drop-down menus.

  • Page
  • Blog Posts

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To add a certain blog article, select the options below for "Menu item type" and "Select Page / Category / Blog Post / Promotions" two drop-down menus.

  • Blog Posts
  • Blog Post Title

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Step 3

Click Add to complete the setup. You can arrange the menu order by dragging the Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 4.52.01 PM.png icon in the "Menu(Top)" section. For more information, please refer to: Menu Navigation.


4. View blog on the storefront

Go to [Online Store Design] > [Blog]. Click the published articles to view them on the storefront.


  • The hidden articles cannot be clicked.
  • [Coming Soon] For more information about article categories, please refer to Article Category|Blog.

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If you have set up a menu, go to the storefront and click Blog Posts. You can also manually visit "shop address/blog/posts" to browse the blog articles.

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The blog list page displays titles, descriptions, publish dates, and preview images of the articles. The layout design will be presented according to the one you selected in the Admin > [Online Store Design] > [Design].

[Coming Soon] For more information about article categories, please refer to Article Category|Blog.

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5. Notes

  • The new Blog feature supports Ultra Chic, Kingsman, Varm, Philia, Dusk, Skya, Sangria, Bianco, and Doris Bien theme templates. If you are using other theme templates, some features might not be available.
  • Upon upgrading, the text editor for your blog may have compatibility differences due to version updates, which could affect the content of your existing articles. Please check the content for any formatting issues before saving the article.
  • If a staff member only has "View" permission for the blog, they will only see the "Edit" button in the [Online Store Design] > [Blog]. They can click on it to view the content but won't be able to edit it. You can go to [Settings] > [Permission & Security] to choose the staff member for editing.
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