View Coupon Redemption/Usage Record

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After creating a promotion & reward campaign with coupons, you can check the usage status in the SHOPLINE admin. If you have not set up a coupon campaign yet, please refer to: Promotions Step 3 - Set Benefits & Criteria.


This article will cover the following:


1. How to view redemption/usage record

Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Promotions & Reward] > [Promotions] / [Free Shipping] / [Bundle Promotions]. Find the promotion you want to check, and click Redemption/Usage Record on the right.

*Note: Coupons set to "Auto Apply Promotion" or "For Affiliate Campaign Only" will not have redemption records.

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i. Overview

An overview of "Redemption times" and "Usage times" is displayed at the top of the page. You can easily track the usage status of your coupons.


ii. Redemption Record

The "Redemption Record" tab lists the customers who have redeemed this coupon. You can also view the coupon code, redemption time, and redemption status here.

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iii. Usage Record

The "Usage Record" tab lists the orders completed using the coupon. You can also view the order information, discount amount, and coupon code here.

Order History Auto-Archiving: Only displays unarchived order lists. To view the full usage records, please export the report.

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iv. External Usage Record 

The "External Usage Record" tab lists the coupon usage records from external systems or Smart OMO, including the usage date and coupon code. For more information, please refer to: Coupon|Smart OMO.

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v. Export Report

Click the Export Report button at the top right to export reports for "Redemption Record," "Usage Record," or "External Usage Record." The system will automatically send the report to your email. 

You can also go to [Report & Analytics] > [Bulk Avtion Process] to check the export status or download reports.

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  • Order History Auto-Archiving: For usage records, orders already archived will only display the order number, with all other fields marked as "Archived."
  • If the promotion has multiple "Benefits & Condition Tiers," you can choose any tier you want to view when exporting the usage record/ external usage record report.


2. Notes

  • When the coupon acquisition method is set to "Display coupon in the shop coupon center" or "Send coupon through links or customer groups," each member can redeem and use the coupon only once, so the redemption times are usually higher than the usage times.Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 4.36.49 PM.png
  • When the coupon acquisition method is set to "Enter coupon code to claim" with a "Single Coupon Code," the same member can use the coupon multiple times, so the redemption times may be lower than the usage times.Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 4.37.00 PM.png
  • When using coupon codes in the POS system to place orders without providing customer information, the redemption times may be lower than the usage times.



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