To maintain customer loyalty and repurchase rate, you can offer Store Credits for designated members to use and offset against the order amount. The "Reward Campaign" feature allows you to set up time-limited events for giving out Store Credits. You can also specify products and applicable membership tier(s). Try out this feature to reach a higher sales goal!
In this article, you'll be introduced to the following:
1. Create a Reward Campaign
Step 1. Add a Reward Campaign
Go to the SHOPLINE Admin > [Promotions & Reward] > [Reward Campaign]. Click Add Campaign.
Step 2. Enter the Campaign Name
Enter the name of the Reward Campaign. The name will be displayed on the checkout page of the storefront. You can choose to fill in one or more languages.
Step 3. Set the Valid Period
Select the Valid Period of the campaign. Click the "calendar" icon on the right to select a date. Uncheck "Never Expires" to set the end time of the campaign.
Step 4. Set the Available Channel
Select the Available Channel for the campaign. Check the "Retail Store" box to enable the campaign in the brick-and-mortar store.
- The system does not check the "Retail Store" box by default.
- Product subscription for sub-orders now supports Reward Campaigns. For more details on product subscriptions, please refer to this article.
Select Retail Store for Available Channel
When selecting "Retail Store" for Available Channel, you can select to apply the campaign to all stores or specific ones. If you check "Selected store(s)," the designated store(s) will be eligible for this campaign.
*Note: If you check "All stores (including new stores in the future)," stores added after the campaign will also be eligible for this promotional event.
Step 5. Set Applicable Group
Select the eligible member group(s).
- All members
Check the "All members" box, and all members will be involved in this campaign.
- Specific Membership Tier(s)
Check the "Specific Membership Tier(s)" box and choose the membership tier(s) applicable to this campaign from the drop-down menu.
Step 6. Set Purchase Condition
There are three conditions altogether. You can select the campaign's Purchase Conditions, either "Minimum Order Amount" or "Minimum Product Count" for each condition.
The calculation for "Minimum Order Amount is Amount of selected products - Discount allocated to the product - Custom discount allocated to the product - Store Credits discount allocated to the product - Points Redeem To Cash allocated to the product = Subtotal (i.e. Minimum Order Amount).
*Note: Smart OMO currently only supports Reward Campaigns for "Total Order over... Minimum Order Amount."
- Total Order over...: Customers can get Store Credits when purchasing over a certain amount/ product count.
- Selected Products over...: Customers can get Store Credits when purchasing over a certain amount/ count of selected products. Scroll down to click Select Products. You can enter Product Names or keywords to search for specific products more efficiently.
- Selected Categories over...: Customers can get Store Credits when purchasing over a certain amount/ count of the selected category. Scroll down to click Select Category to choose the specific category.
You can also choose to exclude certain products from the category. Click Select Exclude Products to select the products to be excluded from the Reward Campaign.
Selected Products/ Categories over
If merchants set the Purchase Condition to "Selected Products/ Categories over...," you will be able to customize the "Page & SEO Setting," "Campaign Term & Condition," and "Campaign Banner" at the bottom of the page.
- You will not be able to edit the promotion page once the Reward Campaign has begun.
- The promotion page is switched on by default. If you don't need to promote this campaign, please switch off the top right toggle and save the changes. When the promotion page is switched off, clicking the
button in the campaign list will redirect to a 404 page.
- The system auto-generates the "Campaign Term & Condition" for you. You can edit the text to meet your requirements.
Step 7. Set Reward and Condition
In the "Reward and Condition" section, you can set the conditions for offering reward credits.
- The minimum amount/ product count set for the Purchase Condition in Step 6 does not affect this section.
- The example below showcases a certain amount of Store Credits given for a minimum purchase amount.
A. Give Store Credits
Credits can be distributed in two ways - "Discount Amount" or "Percentage %."
If you check the "Cumulative Reward Credits" box, each time a customer adds items to the shopping cart and the total amount/quantity of the items reaches the minimum requirement, they will be eligible to receive Store Credits. For instance, if you set to offer 10 Store Credits for every $100, a customer who spends $200 will get 20 Credits.
*Note: The "Cumulative Reward Credits" feature only supports a single reward condition combination and cannot be applied to multiple reward condition combinations. Please refer to the C. Adding Reward Condition Combinations below for more details.
If you choose "Percentage %," the reward will be based on the subtotal of the selected products after discounts. The Store Credits will be rewarded according to the percentage set.
The calculation for the subtotal of the selected products is Amount of selected products - Discount allocated to the product - Custom discount allocated to the product - Store Credits discount allocated to the product - Points Redeem To Cash allocated to the product.
Please refer to this article for the details of the discount allocation.
B. When purchase over ... Give …
- When the Reward Campaign applies to "All members," you can directly enter the Minimum Amount/ Product Count and the amount/ percentage of reward credits.
- When the Reward Campaign applies to a "Specific Membership Tier(s)," you can enter the Minimum Amount/ Product Count, and set different amounts/ percentages of reward credits to each membership tier.
C. Adding Reward Condition Combinations
Click + Add Reward & Condition Tiers to add a reward condition combination of "When purchase over... Give ...". Up to 3 groups of reward & condition tiers can be added. Click the "bin" icon to the right of the extra condition combination to delete it.
*Note: The "Cumulative Reward Credits" feature only supports a single reward & condition tier and cannot be applied to multiple reward & condition tiers.
Step 8. Set Reward Limit and Validity Period
You can set the reward limit for each order and the validity period of the reward credits. Uncheck "Unlimited" to enter the amount of the reward credits. Uncheck "Never Expires" to enter the expiry days of the reward credits.
Step 9. Set Campaign Restriction
You can limit the number of rewards for each member and the total number of rewards given in this campaign.
Step 10. Save
After setting up the campaign, you can preview the campaign details on the right. Click Save at the top right to create the Reward Campaign.
2. Edit Reward Campaign
i. Edit campaign details
You can edit the campaign after creating it. Go to [Promotions & Reward] > [Reward Campaign] in the Admin, and click the Edit button next to the campaign.
*Note: You can only edit the end time of ongoing campaigns. Other details, such as event name, applicable group, reward content, etc., cannot be edited.
ii. Publish/ unpublish/ delete the campaign
To publish, unpublish or delete the campaign, check the box on the left of the campaign, then click Publish/ Unpublish/ Delete.
*Note: Customer service conflicts might occur if you delete an ongoing Reward Campaign, so please be extra careful with the operation.
3. Note
- When clicking Save on the creation page, if the campaign time overlaps with the time of the existing event, you will see a pop-up reminder as shown below. You can still create other order-level, product-level, or category-level campaigns.
- If there are multiple ongoing reward campaigns, the system will apply all the reward campaigns that meet the conditions when the customer checks out. In other words, the customer will receive multiple sets of Store Credits as their rewards.
- If merchants set up Reward Campaigns for "Specific Membership Tier(s)," the promotion page will display the following:
- Customers qualify for one of the membership tiers: display Reward Campaigns specific to their membership tier.
- Customers do not qualify for the membership tiers or are not logged in: display Reward Campaigns for all membership tiers. Customers are not eligible for any Reward Campaigns during checkout.
- Customers qualify for one of the membership tiers: display Reward Campaigns specific to their membership tier.
- The Reward Campaign does not support the following types of orders:
- Imported orders
- The sub orders of split orders
- Manual orders in the Admin
Read more
- Apply Reward Campaign and Give Credits | Store Credits
- Store Credits
- Order Reward Credits | Store Credits
- Welcome Credits | Store Credits