Customer Group Analytics

6. EC + SC + POS.png

With the Customer Group feature, you can tap well into various filtering criteria to accurately group customers and export reports of specific customers, which allows you to tailor appropriate marketing strategies and campaigns for these customer segments.

⚠️ Before you start, please be reminded: Confirm that you have successfully created customer groups, and if not, please refer to the articles below.


This article will cover the following:


1. View the list of a customer group

Go to Admin > [Customer Management] > [Customer Group] and click the View List button of a specific customer segment.

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Click View on the right of the list. If the customer group has updated several lists, you can select the list for which you would like to view data analytics. 

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2. Customer Group information

Upon entering the customer group list, the "List Condition" section will display the relevant information from when it was created. Click Show More to view complete data.

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List Condition

  • Count: The total number of people in this customer group
  • Created Time: The time and date when this customer was created
  • Filters: The "Include" and "Exclude" sections will display the filtering criteria on which this customer group list was created

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If you wish to change the name of this customer group, click on the "pencil" icon right next to the group name. The "Edit List Name" window will pop up, where you can enter the new name and then click Confirm to save the changes.

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3. Customer group data

Customer group data is updated on an hourly basis, displayed with green numbers indicating percentage growth and red numbers for percentage decline. The highlighted area below indicates the current data analysis range. If you wish to change the analysis interval, click open the drop-down menu.

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i. Analysis range

The data analysis range for customer group lists is up to 90 days, and the supported data interval for analysis is: from 60 days before the creation of the customer group list to 180 days after the creation. Data will no longer be updated for lists created over 180 days.

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Click Export Report > List Performance Report and you can export the performance report of the selected customer group list within the analysis range that you've just customized.


  • The "List Performance Report" button will only be displayed to administrators with permission for [Customer Group] > [Export Report].
  • The data of the List Performance Report will be updated on an hourly basis.

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List Performance Report

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Click Export Report > Order Detail Report to export the total order quantity and the details of the customer group list within the analysis range that you customized.


  • The "Order Detail Report" button will only be displayed to administrators with permission for [Customer Group] > [Export Report].
  • The Order Detail Report is updated on an hourly basis. In the event of the scenario where the order number (quantity) has been updated but the order details are still loading, the system will display a pop-up window notification to suggest downloading it later.
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Order Detail Report

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*Note: The "Attributed Activity Category" and "Attributed Activity Name" fields in the Order Detail Report correspond to the "Type" and "Name" in Activity List.


ii. Types of data available

The data can be divided into six types, including Total Shoppers, Total Sales, Total Orders, Conversion, Sales Attributed to Marketing, and Orders Attributed to Marketing as highlighted in the image below. 

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Indicator Description
Total Shoppers The number of unique customers with valid orders
(see Note 1.)
Total Sales The total amount of orders created, excluding all canceled orders of all channels and return orders of retail stores
(see Note 2.)
Total Orders The total number of orders created, excluding all canceled orders of all channels and return orders of retail stores
(see Note 2.)
Conversion The proportion of customers who've made a purchase in this customer group list. It is calculated as: Total number of customers who made a purchase / Total number of customers in the group list.
Sales Attributed to Marketing

The sales amount generated from customers who were reached through the activity created using the customer group list

(see Note 3.)

Orders Attributed to Marketing The number of orders generated from customers who were reached through the activity created using the customer group list
(see Note 3.)



  1. "Valid order" definition: The orders successfully created by customers, excluding orders with a "canceled" status and return orders from retail stores.

  2. If there are changes (cancellations, edits, or splitting) after an order is successfully placed, the modified amounts and quantities shall be recognized on the same day the order was initially created.
    For instance, a customer placed an order of $100 on April 30 and cancelled it on May 5. When checking the data for April 30 on May 6, the data will not include the order of $100.

  3. "Marketing" (Activity/ Campaign) definition: It includes the notification links for adding credits, adding points, and sending coupons as well as broadcast links such as email broadcasts, SMS broadcasts, Facebook broadcasts, and LINE broadcasts. 

    🔔 Excluding
    the following scenarios:
    • Customers in a group who receive activity or broadcast links and forward them to a third party, and when this third party clicks the link and places an order.
    • Customers in a group who obtain the link through other traffic channels (UTM) and place an order without clicking on the activity or broadcast link.

  4. Some specific scenarios are only included in the calculation of the "Attributed to Marketing" but are not counted in the "activity performance" data.
    Sequence of operation
    • Step 1: A customer clicked on the link in the promotional email/ SMS message to enter the online store's campaign page but did not place an order.
    • Step 2: A customer re-entered the online store's campaign page via other traffic channels (UTM) such as Facebook/ LINE, and completed the ordering process.
    System calculation Since this customer did not directly make a purchase through the email/ SMS link but instead completed the ordering process via other traffic channels (UTM), the system only includes it in the calculation of "Attributed to Marketing" but not in the calculation of "activity performance" data.


Click on individual data blocks to view daily values and overall changes. The yellow dot indicates the activities of the customer group list.

*Note: The dark blue line represents values from the past 30 days, while the light blue line represents values from 30 to 60 days ago.

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Click on the Conversion block and a pie chart will display as follows.

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  • The validity period of a customer group list is 180 days, and the system will not update data beyond this period.
  • Data will not be displayed shortly after customer group lists are created. Please wait until the hourly update goes through to view the data.
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4. Activity List

The "Activity List" section at the bottom of the page displays the type, name, status, created and sent time associated with this customer group list.

Activity categories include "Add Points, Add Credits, Send Coupon, WhatsApp SC Broadcast," and more. As for how to create campaigns for customer groups, please refer to this article.

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*Note: The validity period of the customer group list is 180 days, and the system will no longer update activity data beyond this period.


View activity performance

A. Add Points & Credits

*Note: To track conversion data, the sending time for credit and point must be after August 16, 2023, and when creating the activity, you need to check both "Send Email" and "Send SMS" boxes. If you only select Send Email notifications, it means you will only be tracking the effectiveness of "Send Credits" and "Send Points" via emails.

Go to Activity List, click View, and click the Status & Result tab to view the activity sending status, conversion data, and more detailed information.

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Item Description
Conversion data update frequency Hourly
Sent The number of customers who received the notifications
Clicked The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message to enter the online store
Placed Order The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message and entered the online store to place at least one valid order
Placed Order with applied credits/points The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message, entered the online store to place at least one valid order, and had credits/points redeemed therein


B. Send Coupon

*Note: This only supports "Get Coupon Link," and the sending time must be after August 16, 2023 to track conversion data.

Go to Activity List, click View, and click the Status & Result tab to view the activity sending status, conversion data, and more detailed information.

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Item Description
Conversion data update frequency Hourly
Sent The number of customers who received the notifications
Clicked The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message to enter the online store
Placed Order The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message and entered the online store to place at least one valid order
Placed Order with the coupon The number of customers who clicked on the links in the notification message, entered the online store to place at least one valid order, and used this coupon


C. Send Broadcast

Go to Activity List and click View. The system will direct you to the "Broadcast Center" page, where you can view detailed information such as the number of customers that received the notification, received rate, CTA, and more.

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SmartPush Email

For the activity of "SmartPush Email”, click View to go to the detail page of SmartPush. Tap View data to check the performance of the SmartPush email.



  • If you create a message with Preset Time, you can still click the View button on Activity List to check the details. However, there won't be the sent time on the page.

  • For "SmartPush" activities initiated for a single subgroup, their records are available only when their statuses on SmartPush indicate Sent successfully, Send failed, or Partial successful. Go to the subgroup page and click  [View] > [Activity List] to view the records.
  • If you have installed SmartPush but have it uninstalled now, when clicking View in the "Activity List", you will be redirected to install the SmartPush App. After installing it, you can jump to the SmartPush page for further details.




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