*This feature is supported in the yearly plan only.
*Supported only for HKD stores/Hong Kong-based merchants.
PayMe for Business is a B2C platform recently launched by HSBC. With this payment method, your customers can complete their checkout more easily on both desktop computers and mobile devices.
Remarks: This payment method is only available to shop owners who already have a PayMe for Business account. For more details, contact SHOPLINE's Online Merchant Success Team.
This article will cover the following:
1. Register a PayMe for Business Account
PayMe for Business is only available to HSBC Business Internet Banking Customers. If you’re an HSBC Business Internet Banking customer, please follow the steps below to download and start using PayMe for Business straight away.
- If you’re an HSBC Commercial Banking customer but haven’t signed up for Internet Banking yet, you can do so here or call the HSBC hotline (2748-8288 then press 1#-5-1-4).
- If you are not an HSBC Commercial Banking customer and wish to open an account, please sign up here or contact SHOPLINE's Online Merchant Success Team for assistance.
Step 1. Link your domain to SHOPLINE
To register a PayMe for Business account, you first need to link your domain to SHOPLINE. Please refer to the following two articles for instructions.
Step 2. Download PayMe for Business
Then, please get the PayMe for Business app here.
Step 3. Register
Open the PayMe for Business app and sign up for an account.
Step 4. Fill out the form
Upon successful registration, go to the Getting started with PayMe for Business website and follow the instructions below.
- Scroll down and find the "Interested in PayMe for Business?" section and fill in the details as required.
- For the question "Which of the following payment solutions would you be interested in?", select API. In the “Specify vendor” field, enter “SHOPLINE (support@shopline.com).
- For the question "Who developed your website?", select External vendor.
- Click on the I'm interested! button to submit the form.
Step 5. Wait for notice & send PayMe your DNS screen capture
The PayMe team will reach you in 3 weeks via phone (primary) or email (secondary). Provide the PayMe Team with the domain DNS screen capture, and to do so, please refer to the following instructions:
- Go to Domain Information Groper to perform DNS lookup
- Paste your domain
- Capture the screen as follows and then send it directly to the PayMe Team
Step 6. API information
You will then receive a response from PayMe for Business to confirm that the APIs required for integration have been sent to your email address. Then, you’ll see information such as the Merchant ID, Client Id, Client Secret, Signing Key Id, and Signing Key for the PayMe for Business app.
Step 7. Request your testing kit
Next, please contact SHOPLINE's Online Merchant Success Team to request the testing kit. Upon receiving your testing kit, submit it to the PayMe team.
Step 8. Set Up Payment Option in Admin
In Admin, go to [Settings > Payment Options]. Click Add to enter the set-up page. Select Payme from the "Payment Type" drop-down list and fill in the Client ID, Client Secret, Signing Key ID, and Signing Key accordingly.
*Note: DO NOT change these details, or else this payment method will become invalid.
You can set up a payment fee if need be.
For more information, please refer to Payment Fee Settings.
2. Customer checkout flow
i. For Desktop
Step 1. Select PayMe on the checkout page
Choose PayMe as the payment method, and then click Proceed to Checkout.
Step 2. Place an order
Fill in their information and delivery details, and then click Place Order.
Step 3. Payment page
Customers will be directed to a payment page with a PayCode shown.
Customers can use their PayMe for Consumer app on their mobile devices to scan the PayCode and enter their PayMe PIN to complete the payment.
*Note: Customers should complete the transaction within 5 mins, or else the PayCode will expire.
If PayCode is expired, customers can click Go Back and return to Step 2. Fill in the Information again to create a new order.
The previous order unpaid will be marked as "Unpaid" in Admin.
*Note: You can go to [Settings > Order Settings], and turn on the "Auto cancel orders with 'expired' payment status" toggle. The unpaid PayMe orders will then be marked as "Cancelled" automatically after 15 mins, and the inventory will also be released.
Step 4. Done
Once customers complete their payment on the PayMe for Consumer app, the PayCode page will direct them to the "Step 3. Order Confirmation" page with order details such as Payment Type, Payment Status, and Transaction Number.
ii. For Mobile
Step 1. Fill in information
Fill in the personal and delivery information, and then tap Place Order.
Step 2. Place an order
Customers will be directed to the PayMe for Consumer app to complete the transaction. Then, follow the order from left to right as shown in the diagram below. Click on Pay with PayMe balance > Enter your PIN > Done.
Step 3. Order Confirmation
Customers will be required to enter their PayMe PIN to complete the transaction. Upon completion, they will be redirected back to Step 3 of the checkout flow and see their Order Confirmation.
🔔 Tips:
- You can add the PayMe logo to your storefront footer so that your customers will be more aware of this new payment method, hence boosting sales. For more details about Customized Shop Footer, please refer to this article.
- To add the PayMe logo at the footer of your store, follow the steps below.
Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Online Store Design] > [Menu Navigation]. Scroll down and click Edit next to "Shop Footer" to begin editing.
- Click the HTML of element tools and paste the HTML code of the PayMe logo there.
<img height="40" style="max-height: 40px; width: auto; display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px;" src="https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/62943ef1d23b980015241eff/original.png"/>
<img height="40" style="max-height: 40px; width: auto; display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px;" src="https://img.shoplineapp.com/media/image_clips/62943ef1121e54002161a747/original.png"/>
- After your editing is finished, click Preview and Save it.
3. Notes about key renewal
- The key renewal reminder email will be sent to your registered PayMe for Business account 90 days before the key expires, and subsequently, the reminder emails will continue to be sent every two weeks until the key expiry date.
- To receive new credentials, you need to request them via your PayMe for Business app.
- Go to Help centre, click Send an enquiry, and select Online Payments as the subject of this message. Input your request for API credentials renewal and then click on Submit button.
- Upon submission, the PayMe team will share with you your new credentials as per the usual process (i.e. a password-protected PDF file containing the credentials will be sent to your registered PayMe for Business email account). Please note that this may take up to 2 business days.
- The credentials will include "Merchant ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Signing Key ID, and Signing Key." Next, use the "Store Owner" email account to update the information in Admin, as mentioned in Step 8 above.