Facebook Live | Facebook Messenger Custom Messages

2. SC (EN).png

SHOPLINE has launched the Custom Message feature so merchants can create customized greetings, product recommendations, and add-to-cart messages, and have them sent to every viewer that leaves a comment during a live stream. Customized messages can help boost sales interactions with customers by instantly providing them with product-related information.

*Note: The following screenshots are based on Facebook Live.

This article will cover the setup for the following: 


1. How to set up custom messages

Step 1

Proceed to SHOPLINE Admin > [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and click on the livestream you would like to create a custom message for. 



Step 2

Click the ___2022-09-05___11.54.12.png  icon on the bottom left to open the setup page. 



Step 3

Click Message Settings



2. Welcome Message

Step 1

Click Welcome Message, you can customize the message and comment content. 

  • Messenger Welcome Message: Once this feature is switched on, when the customer sends the first non-keyword message in the livestream, the system will automatically reply through Messenger (as a private message reply).
  • Auto-Reply Comment Message: Once this feature is enabled,  when the customer sends the first non-keyword message in the livestream, the system will automatically reply directly in the livestream.

*Note: During the process of customizing the message, you can preview the message on the right.


*Reminder: Click on the "Available Parameters" drop-down menu and 
copy to paste in the order message.

For example: Copy parameters such as: "Stream name",
"Customer Name", "Fan Page" to use in the message field below. The welcome
message will be sent with your custom template.



Click on the "floppy-disc" icon at the bottom of the input box to save the message to your list of templates.



Besides adding custom messages, you can also use the system templates. Click the "Apply Template" icon to find the system template and then customize it. Click Apply Template the save your custom template.



Step 2

Once you have completed the customization, click the Save changes button on the bottom right. 




  • Welcome messages must be less than 600 characters.
  • The welcome message feature is not mandatory and can be turned on or off at any point during the livestream. The system will not send the message once the feature is off. 
  • The system will send a welcome message in response to the first keyword-free comment a viewer leaves. The welcome message will not be sent again to the same customer if they leave another keyword-free comment.
  • Instagram currently does not support the "Auto-Reply Comment Message" feature.
  • SHOPLINE Live currently does not support the "Welcome Message".


3. Custom product recommendation messages

Click Product Recommendation Message to customize the message content. 

A. SHOPLINE Live Backstage Room


B. Checked the box in SHOPLINE Live Backstage to sync to Facebook Live


C.  Facebook Page Live Backstage


D. Facebook Group Live Backstage


E. Instagram Live Backstage



When customizing a message, you can also insert dynamic text, save/apply the template, and preview the message. 

Once you have completed the customization, click the Save changes button on the bottom right. 




  • In addition to the header and footer, the format and content of "Product Information" in the middle can also be customized.
  • The message text limit is 600 characters.
  • The "Product Recommendation" parameter will show the product name, price, and keyword:newprodrecommdationFBEN6.png
  • If you add products with variations, variation details will also be listed out:newprodrecommdationFBEN7.png
  • To edit the "Product Summary" parameter, please go to[Product & Categories]>[Product]>[Edit]> click the "Info" tab. 

4. Custom Add to Cart Message

Click "Add to Cart Message" and after switching on this feature, the system will send a corresponding order message based on whether you interacted with the customer within a certain period of time. (Definition of a certain period of time: Facebook 7 days, Instagram 24 hours)

A. Message format for users who have not interacted with FB page or Instagram account within 7 days / 24 hours

A Re-engagement Message will first be sent to obtain a customer response, and a follow-up message indicating the order placement was successful will be sent. 

You can customize the content of the Re-engagement Message and the Message sent after clicking continue individually.


B. Message format for users who have interacted within 7 days / 24 hours

Directly send the Add to Cart Message. 

You can customize the Add to Cart Message. 



When customizing a message, you can also insert dynamic text, save/apply a template, or preview the message. 

Once you have completed the customization, click the Save changes button on the bottom right. 


*If a customer clicks the Checkout Now button in
Facebook Messenger, but the link does not open, while waiting for
Facebook to resolve the issue, SHOPLINE suggests you use the
"Shopping Cart Link" parameter in the Add to Cart Message.
For more information, please refer to this article.




  • The checkout link button only appears when the merchant checks the box for "Includes checkout link".
  • Shopping cart details in the add-to-cart message cannot be edited
  • Message text limit: 340 characters. Button text limit: 30 characters. 
  • If no custom message has been created, the system will send a preset template by default.  
  • Custom add-to-cart messages can be edited before you start your livestream and during your livestream.


5. Custom out of stock message

Click Custom Message, once the feature is enabled, when the customer places an order that is out of stock, the system will send an out of stock message to the customer. 



When customizing a message, you can also insert dynamic text, save/apply a template, or preview the message. 

Once you have completed the customization, click the Save changes button on the bottom right. 




  • The character limit for the message is 340 characters. 
  • SHOPLINE Live does not support the "Out of stock message". 
  • When the livestream product goes out of stock, or all inventory has been locked due to the enabled lock inventory, the system will send the custom out of stock message.
  • If only part of the stocks is insufficient - for example, there are 2 remaining items of Product A, and the customer places an order for 3 Product A, the system will then send a default out of stock message instead of your custom template.


6. Whether or not to switch on the Checkout Reminder

Click Checkout Reminder Message, and you can choose whether to enable this feature and set the sending time.

When a customer participates in the livestream and adds products to the shopping cart, but has not completed the shopping cart checkout process to create an order, the system will send a checkout reminder message to the customer according to the time you set. For instructions on checkout reminders, please refer to this article.

*Note: Currently, only Facebook Page Live is supported to set "Checkout Reminder Message", Facebook Group, Instagram, and SHOPLINE Live are not supported at the moment. 




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