Google Pay|SHOPLINE Payments

4. EC + SC (EN).png

*This feature only supports HKD stores/Hong Kong-based merchants.

To assist merchants in the convenience of running their e-commerce operations, SHOPLINE has launched our comprehensive payment method --  SHOPLINE Payments! This article will provide instructions for merchants using SHOPLINE Payments to set up "Google Pay" as a payment option in their Admin.


1. Setting up Google Pay in Admin 

Step 1

Before you set up, please complete SHOPLINE Payments Basic account verifications. Once your Basic account verification has passed, you can set up Google Pay as one of your payment options.

If you have only passed the Basic account verification, you can receive payment 
with Google Pay, but cannot withdraw funds from the account.
You can do so once you complete the Advanced account verification.
Please refer to Introduction | SHOPLINE Payments for more details.


Step 2

Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Settings] > [Payment Options]. Click Add to add payment options.



Step 3

Select "SHOPLINE Payments" as the payment type. Select "Google Pay" as the payment method.



Step 4

We suggest you fill in the "Payment Instructions" field. You can also upload JPG, PNG, and GIF images (smaller than 10 MB) in the "Drop Files Here" field. Check the "Display these instructions on the checkout page" box so that your customers can see these when checking out.



Step 5

Select the delivery option(s) to be excluded from this payment method. Click Add at the bottom right to update.



Step 6

Upon adding, a reminder window will appear. Please decide whether you wish to apply this payment method to all ongoing promotions and campaigns.



Click OK, and the option "Google Pay" will appear on the list.



2. Customer checkout flow

Step 1

When customers place an order, they can select "Google Pay" in the "Payment Method" drop-down menu.



Step 2

After customers proceed to checkout, they can see the Pay with GPay button on the "Payment Detail" section. Click on the button and a Google Pay window will pop up. The order for this transaction will also be created in the SHOPLINE Admin.

*Note: Customers need to be logged in with their Google account. If not, the system to direct them to log in first.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 4.38.26 PM.png


Step 3

Click PAY to complete the payment. Please note that the payment window is only available for 5 minutes and will expire after the time limit. Customers need to close the pop-up window and reinitiate the payment on the checkout page.

*Note: Once you close the payment window, this order will be cancelled, with its Order Status updated to "Cancelled" and Payment Status updated to "Failed".



Step 4

If the payment is successful, customers will be directed to the order completion page. The Order Status will be updated to "Open" and the Payment Status will be updated to "Paid."



If the customers need refunds, you can go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Order Management] > [Orders]. Click Edit for the order to enter the order details page. Then, in the "Payment details" section, click Refund to initiate the refund process.



3. Notes

  • The Google Pay payment window is only available for 5 minutes. Please complete the payment within the time limit, or the window will expire.
  • An order using Google Pay has a 6-hour timeout duration. If the transaction remains unpaid after the timeout, the Payment Status will be updated to "Expired".
  • Google Pay is not available on iPhone.
  • Google Pay currently does not support UnionPay cards.
  • Google Pay is not supported on the following search engines:
    • Safari.
    • Firefox.
    • Internet Explorer (IE).
    • Some webpages within in-app browsers, such as those opened on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, could result in failed payments.


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