Facebook Live | New Livestream Settings and Custom Message Interface

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SHOPLINE has launched a new "Livestream Settings and Custom Message Interface", you can complete all livestream-related settings and custom message content on the same page. 

This article will cover the following: 


1. Open setup interface

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and enter any of the livestreams.

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Step 2

Click the ___2022-09-05___11.54.12.png icon on the bottom left.

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You will be able to set up the livestream and message-related setup.

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2. Set up interface overview

- The following screenshots are based on Facebook page livestreams.
- You can also refer to the "Livestream General Settings" feature:
save the basic settings related to live streaming on the
SHOPLINE Live page, and you can directly apply the settings when
adding a new live broadcast next time. This article is roughly the same as the
"Livestream General Settings FAQ".

i. Basic settings

You can directly edit the Stream name, Streamer, and livestream introduction. 

*Note: The livestream introduction is limited to 254 characters. 


ii. Order Setting

a. Keyword setting

You can select one of the four order rules:

  • Contains "keyword" or "keyword+quantity" (e.g., "I want A1", "A1+1")
  • Contains "keyword+quantity" (e.g., "I want A1+1")
  • Contains only "keyword" or "keyword+quantity" (e.g., "A1")
  • Contains "product number + specifications" (e.g., "I want A1 black S")


  • The ordering rule for "Product number + specification" is only available to merchants in Vietnam and Thailand.  
  • The "Product Number + Specification" order placement rules will be terminated soon, replaced by the "Prefix + Suffix" method to create keywords. For more information, please refer to this article.  
  • You do not need to set up keyword settings for SHOPLINE livestreams. 


Setting the keywords statuses during and after live:

During live: 

  • Customers can place orders at any time: All product keywords will be enabled by default, and customers can place orders by commenting with keywords. To disable the keyword during the livestream, click the ___2022-09-02___3.12.35.png icon next to the product to adjust.

  • You need to manually activate keywords or recommended products before customers can place an order: All product keywords will be disabled by default, and customers cannot place orders with keywords. To enable the keyword during the livestream, click the ___2022-09-02___3.12.41.png icon next to the product or the small speaker button to adjust. 

After live: 

  • Maintain keyword status; status can still be adjusted.
  • Invalidate all keywords; the status can still be adjusted.

*Note: Instagram Live currently does not support setting up keyword status after the livestream has ended. 


b. Inventory setting

  • Lock Inventory: Once enabled, when customers add products to their carts during the livestream, the system will reserve stock for customers till the specified date. This setting cannot be edited once the livestream has started. 

  • Live Inventory Notification/Out of stock sound effect: After enabling this feature, you can set the notification and sound effect for when the Available Product Quantity for a product reaches the number you enter in the field. For instance, if you enter 1, the system will notify you when there is only 1 item remaining.

    *Available Product Quantity: the number of products that are currently available. If you have enabled the “Preorder” feature and set a preorder quantity limit for the product, the Available Product Quantity will be your current inventory and pre-order limit combined together. Please refer to this article for more information on Preorder Limit.

    Below is an example of live inventory notification.


iii. Message Settings 

a. Welcome Message

  • Messenger Welcome Message: Once this feature is enabled, the system automatically replies to the customer's first non-keyword comment through Messenger (Private message). 
  • Auto-reply Comment Message: Once this feature is enabled, the system will automatically reply to the customer's first non-keyword comment in the livestream. 

You can customize the message and comment content.


  • SHOPLINE Live app currently does not support "Welcome message".
  • Instagram Live currently does not support the "Auto-reply" feature.
  • Facebook Group Live currently does not support the "Messenger Welcome Message (Private Message)" feature. You may switch on the "Reply to comments with welcome message." However, due to the restrictions on Facebook's messaging policy, frequent use of comment replies may trigger warnings from Facebook. Please use this feature with caution. For more details, please refer to Facebook Community Standard.Screen_Shot_2023-04-28_at_10.24.04_AM.png


b. Product Recommendation Message 

You can customize product recommendation messages.

*Note: Facebook, Instagram, and SHOPLINE Live app support custom "Product Recommendation Message".


c. Add to Cart Message

Once this feature is enabled, the system will send a message after the customer successfully places an order with a keyword comment.  

The system will send corresponding messages based on whether you have interacted with customers within a certain period. (Definition of "a certain period": 7 days for Facebook; 24 hours for Instagram) 

  • 7 days/ 24 hours of no interaction with Facebook page, Instagram account: Send a re-engagement message before sending the Add to Cart message. 
  • Interaction made with Facebook page, Instagram account within 7 days/ 24 hours: You can directly send a custom re-engagement message and the Add to Cart Message.

You can customize the content for "Re-engagement Message" and "Add to Cart Message".

*Note: SHOPLINE Live app does not support "Add to Cart Message".


*If a customer clicks the Checkout Now button in
Facebook Messenger, but the link does not open, while waiting for
Facebook to resolve the issue, SHOPLINE suggests you use the
"Shopping Cart Link" parameter in the Add to Cart Message.
For more information, please refer to this article.


d. Out of Stock Message

Once enabled, the system will send an "Out of Stock Message" to the customers when they place an order for a product that is out of stock.

You can customize the message text with a range of dynamic texts.

*Note: SHOPLINE Live app does not support the "Out of Stock Message".

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e. Checkout Reminder Message

Once this feature is enabled, when the customer adds a product to their cart during the livestream but has not completed the checkout process, the system will send a checkout reminder message to the customer at the time you set. For checkout reminder-related information, please refer to this article.

*Note: Currently, the "Checkout Reminder Message" is only available for Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Instagram Live. The SHOPLINE Live app is not yet supported.

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Once the settings above are complete, remember to click the Save changes button on the bottom right. 

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1. You can customize a variety of message content. If you do not customize it, the system will send the default message (with the light gray text displayed in the message field). 

2. When customizing content, you can click the buttons below the editing field to operate: 

  • Apply Template: Select created templates to apply directly. 
  • Save as Template: Save this custom message as a template. 

3. You can preview the message on the right. 

*Note: Preview for the "re-engagement message" content for “Add to Cart Messages” is currently unavailable.



3. Copy and delete livestream

If you want to copy or delete a livestream, please proceed to the livestream list and click the drop-down menu on the right to take related action.

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