Refunds | SHOPLINE Payments

4. EC + SC (EN).png

* Supported only for SGD stores/Singapore-based merchants. 

Full or partial refunds made by SHOPLINE Payments require one working day to be processed. Customers will have the refunded amount credited to the credit card used to make the order within 2–4 weeks. The actual time taken to complete a refund will depend on the process/timeframe used by a customer's bank. 


Processing refunds

Step 1

In SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Order Management] > [Orders] and choose the order to be refunded. 


Step 2

Go to the order details page and click on the Refund button in the "Payment details" section. 


Step 3

In the popup window, enter the refund amount and any remarks, then click Next

Please note: 

  1. The refund amount cannot be larger than the original order total. 
  2. For partial refunds, please enter the total amount that is to be refunded. 
  3. Customers will be notified of a refund by email automatically.


Step 4

After you have confirmed the refund information, click Refund to complete the process. 


[Coming Soon] Partially Refunded payment status

After partially refunding an order, the payment status will change automatically to [Partially Refunded]. 

Please note: The Partially Refunded status is currently only displayed in [Order Management] > [Orders]. It is not displayed in [Return Orders]. 



On the order details page, the Partially Refunded payment status will now be displayed, along with other related information. 




  1. The refund feature is currently unavailable for child orders in a parent/child order split. The refunding must be initiated on the parent order. Please note the following:
  2. Using SHOPLINE Payments' refund feature will incur an SG$0.1 transaction charge. Although the full refund amount will be deposited on a customer's card, this transaction charge will also be deducted by the system. 
  3. After you have finished making a refund, the system will change the payment status of the order automatically. It is not possible to manually change the payment status/refund status after this (excluding child orders). 
  4. Orders can be refunded within 180 days after the transaction. If the transaction has been done over 180 days, it is recommended that you refund the customer offline.
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