SHOPLINE's Purchase Limit Campaign feature lets merchants set a limit to the quantity of a product (or products) a customer can buy over a fixed period of time. This can be useful for setting up pop-up events or limited-time offers.
For example: If a customer purchases two of a selected product and a merchant has set up a Purchase Limit Campaign to prevent them from buying more than three over a set period of time, then the customer will only be able to buy one more of that item on their next purchase.
This article will cover the following:
1. Steps to set up
Step 1. Check your plan
In the upper right corner of SHOPLINE Admin, go to ["Hello, OOO"] > ["My Subscription & Billing"] to view your store's plans and modules.
- Under the Paid Subscription, there are Plans and Modules. Please check if your store has the e-Commerce or Social Commerce module. If you have this module, the feature will be directly enabled. If you have one of these plans, please skip to Step 2: How to create a Purchase Limit Campaign
- If you are using the Basic, Advanced, Premium, O2O, Enterprise, or Cross Border plan (as shown below). Please confirm whether your store is using the "Cross Border/O2O/Enterprise" plan.
If you have a suitable plan, in SHOPLINE Admin go to [Apps] > [Apps Store] and install "Purchase Limit Campaign".
2. Create a Purchase Limit Campaign in Admin
Step 1
In SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Promotions & Reward] > [Purchase Limit Campaign], then click Add.
Step 2
Enter the name of the campaign. (This is for internal use and will not appear at your storefront.)
Step 3
Set the start/end time for the campaign. You can set this to the nearest hour. You will not be able to change the start time of a campaign once it has started.
- If you want to end a Purchase Limit Campaign immediately, you need to either delete the event or set a purchase limit that exceeds product inventory.
- If the Valid Period has already ended, you will not be able to extend it and will need to create a new campaign.
Step 4
After setting the purchase limit amount for the products in the campaign, click on Select Products.
- Setup all to ___: This purchase limit will be applied to all products in a campaign.
- Setup by product: This allows you to set a different purchase limit for each individual product.
Step 5
Either check the box for Select all in this page at the top right of the window, or select products individually.
[Coming Soon] Select product sets into the Purchase Limit Campaign.
*Note: You can select a maximum of 500 products.
3. View from storefront
Customers will not be able to exceed the purchase limit on your storefront checkout page, as well as on their purchase record.
Note: Canceled/deleted orders and Subscription Products are not included in a customer's purchase record.
- If a customer has logged in to your store as a member:
- If they have already exceeded a purchase limit, a reminder will appear on the cart page informing them that they cannot complete the purchase.
- If the cart total for their current purchase takes them over the purchase limit, a reminder will appear on the checkout page informing them that they cannot complete the purchase.
- If a customer is not logged in: The system will check the phone number/email used to see if the customer has exceeded the purchase limit.
4. Notes
- Once a campaign has started, it is not possible to change the start time or the products included in the campaign.
- If multiple Purchase Limit Campaigns include the same product(s), then the start and end times for these campaigns cannot overlap.
- The following actions are not supported for this feature: Publish/unpublish, usage reports, bulk action deleting of campaigns (campaigns must be deleted individually), index page search function.
Products included in manually created orders from the sources below are not restricted by a purchase limit. However, if a customer's manually created order exceeds a purchase limit, then the customer will not be able to make any further purchases of that product via orders placed on your online store.
- Social Commerce manual order
- Message Center manual order
- Retail Store POS manual order
- SHOPLINE Admin EC store manual order
- SHOPLINE Admin EC edited order details
- Open API manual order