End Subscription Notification

1. EC (EN).png

9. 定期購商品訂閱制.png

*Product Subscription feature is available for merchants using the Customization module. For more information and details on pricing, please contact the Online Merchant Success team.

For customers that have long-term subscriptions for your store's products, creating a subscription product allows them to check out just once and then pay for and receive the subscription product at fixed intervals. When the product subscription status changes to "Ended", you can choose whether to send an End Subscription Notification to the customer.

This article will cover the following: 


1. Check your plan 

In the upper right corner of the store backstage, go to [Hello, OOO] > [My Subscription & Billing] to view the store's plans and modules.

  1. Under the Paid Subscription, there are Plans and Modules. Please check if you have both an e-Commerce plan, and the Customization module. If you have these, you can go directly to Step 2. How to set up an End Subscription Notification

  2. If you are using the Basic, Advanced, Premium, O2O, Enterprise, or Cross Border plan (as shown below). Please confirm whether your store has a "Premium/ O2O/ Enterprise". If so, please go to [Apps] > [Apps store] on the left to install the feature.


2. How to set up an End Subscription Notification

Step 1

Proceed to SHOPLINE Admin > [Settings] > [Custom Notifications]. In the "Order" tab, click Edit on the right of the "End Subscription Notification".



Step 2

Select the type of message (email or SMS) and language to edit.



Step 3

Click Edit at the top right to edit the message content. The "Variables" block at the bottom right will list the variables you can apply to this message. If you want to see more, please refer to this FAQ.



During the editing process, you can click "Preview" at any time to view the actual message being sent. If you are not satisfied after editing, you can also click Back to default. After editing, please remember to click the SAVE button at the top right. 


  • When saving, the system will not conduct a system text check. It is suggested that you preview to check first before saving. 
  • The URL and system text variables shown in the preview are only sample content. Please refer to Variables for the actual content sent.  



Step 4 

Set "Notification type". You can choose whether to send notifications via email or SMS.


  • This notification will be sent to the customer within 2 hours after the product subscription status changes to "Ended".
  • The product subscription status will change to "Ended" in the following two cases:
    • You clicked Pause Notification on the "Product subscription" page through the Admin panel. 
    • Product subscriptions have a set limit, and subsequent product subscription orders have reached the subscription limit.
  • SHOPLINE will charge merchants based on the monthly "SMS Report". The SMS fee will be calculated based on the number of words in the SMS. (including the variable word count of products, online store URLs, etc.).
    Go to [Reports and Analytics] > [Report Export] > [SMS Report] to download the SMS report, and the SMS type will be classified as "Order Notification".



3. Notification examples

A. Email notification content

Title: Your subscription with {Store Name} for {Subscription product} has been ended.

Message content: 

  • Subscription Product
    {Subscription Product Name}
  • Last Order Creation Time
  • Final Subscription Cycle
    {Number of subscription} Subscription
  • Subscription Cycle
    {Subscription Cycle} days
  • If you have questions about your subscription order, please log in and contact {Store Name} via the below link. If you have not set up your account, please click "forget password" to retrieve your account

Example as follow: 



B. SMS notification content 

Welcome to {Store name}! Please click {Login URL} to complete the process (By clicking the URL you agree to the Terms of Service)

Example as follow: 



4. Notes

  • Merchants must have the Product Subscription feature to send notifications.
  • If you have enabled the feature to send SMS, SHOPLINE will charge a monthly fee for the SMS service. A maximum of 160 English characters or a mix of 70 English and Chinese characters are allowed per SMS (variables included). A message with characters exceeding the limit will be sent out with more than 1 SMS.


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