App Download Gift Campaign

4. EC + SC (EN).png

12. 品牌會員購物 App.png

You can boost the app download rate and membership registrations by rewarding Store Credits and Member points. When consumers download, open and log into their app for the first time, the corresponding Store Credits and Member Points will be assigned to the customer's account.

In this article, you'll find


1. Store Credits and Member Points settings

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Mobile App Management] > [App Download Gift Campaign]. Click App Download Gift Main Switch to start the setups.



Step 2

Select Store Credits or Points and click Confirm



Step 3

You can switch on the toggles to set up the download gift in the form of store credits and/ or member points.


  • Store credits: Switch on the "Store Credits" toggle, and enter the store credit amount and validity period.
  • Member points: Switch on the "Member Points" toggle and enter the member points each user can get after downloading the app.



  • If you have not switched on the store credits main switch in the Admin, you will not be able to set up credits for the app download gift. Please go to [Customer Management] > [Store Credits] to switch on the main switch.
  • Likewise, you will not be able to set up member points for the app download gift if you have not switched on the main switch in the Admin. Please go to [Customer Management] > [Membership Points] to switch on the member points main toggle.


Step 4

Click Add an image to upload the download gift image. The recommended image size is 520*160px. The system will use the default image if you do not upload an image (shown in the preview area). 



Step 5

After setting the above steps, you can view the app display effect of the download gift pop-up window in the preview area. Users will see the download gift pop-up window after downloading the app and reaching the homepage.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 4.50.06 PM.png


Step 6

Click Save to save the settings.



2. Coupons settings

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Mobile App Management] > [App Download Gift Campaign]. Click App Download Gift Main Switch to start the setups.



Step 2

Select Coupon and click Confirm


*Note: Coupon download gift is only available for merchants using the "Promotions" module. This option will not appear if you have not subscribed to the "Promotions" module.


Step 3

Click the drop-down box to select the coupon. You can click Expand coupon information to view the coupon details.


Coupons are limited to Get Coupon Links and the coupons that are in progress or not yet started. Please go to [Promotions &reward] > [Promotions] in the Admin to set up coupons. Please refer to Promotions Step 3 - Set Benefits & Criteria for more details. 



Step 4

Click Add an image to upload the download gift image. The recommended image size is 520*160px. The system will use the default image if you do not upload an image (shown in the preview area). 



Step 5

After setting the above steps, you can view the app display effect of the download gift pop-up window in the preview area. Users will see the download gift pop-up window after downloading the app and reaching the homepage.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 4.51.12 PM.png


Step 6

Click Save to save the settings.



3. Download gift popup timing

i. App homepage download gift popup

First launch after installation Considered the first launch if the popup has not appeared before, regardless of whether the device has received a download gift or if it has been logged in by another customer. For example, if the app is uninstalled and then reinstalled, the popup will appear again.
Not first launch after installation day It checks if the device has not been logged into by a customer. If it has been logged in before, the popup will not appear.
First return to the app homepage after login

When a customer logs into their account through any channel, the popup appears if the following conditions are met:

  • The device has not received a download gift.
  • The device has not been logged into by another customer.
  • The current logged-in customer has not received a download gift.

*Note: The popup will only appear if the download gift campaign is active and all trigger conditions are met. For example, if the campaign is set to reward store credits, the store credits must be enabled. The same applies to other reward types.


ii. App homepage floating action button

Close the download gift popup  /
First return to the app homepage after login

When a customer logs into their account through any channel, the popup appears if the following conditions are met:

  • The device has not received a download gift.
  • The currently logged-in customer has not received a download gift.
  • Within 72 hours of the customer installing the app (reinstallation after uninstallation resets the installation time).


  • The popup will only appear if the download gift campaign is active and all trigger conditions are met. For example, if the campaign is set to reward store credits, the store credits must be enabled. The same applies to other reward types.
  • If there is a record of "Coupon claimed successfully" or "Failed to claim coupon" pop-ups on the device, the floating action button will not appear.


4. How to claim the download gift

i. After installing and opening the app for the first time, customers can click "Log in to claim" on the download gift popup. The gift will be automatically claimed once they log in successfully.

ii. Clicking the floating action button on the homepage will display the download gift popup. If the customer is not logged in, they should click "Log in to claim" to receive the gift automatically after logging in. If already logged in, they can click "Claim download gift" to claim it manually.

iii. After logging in through any channel and returning to the homepage, customers can click "Claim download gift" on the popup to claim their gift manually.


5. View receive records

Go to SHOPLINE Admin > [Mobile App Management] > [App Download Gift Campaign]. Click the Receive Record button at the top right.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 3.05.09 PM.png


i. Reward statistics

An overview of App download gifts data to date, including total recipients' quantity, total distributed store credits / points / coupons.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 4.31.25 PM.png


The "Reward statistics" tab also shows the distribution records by date, including "Date",  "Recipients quantity", "Store credits", "Member points", and "Coupon". You can search for specific records by time range or click Export to export the report.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 4.45.28 PM.png


ii. Successful record

The information of customers who have successfully collected download gifts, including "Email", "Phone", "Reward method", "Reward value", "Device id", "Registered source", "Registered time", and "Collection time".

You can search for specific records by email, phone, time range, or click Export to export the report.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 4.59.43 PM.png


iii. Failed record

The information of customers who unsuccessfully collected download gifts, including "Email", "Phone", "Reward method", "Failed reason", and "Failed time".

You can search for specific records by email, phone, time range, or click Export to export the report.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 5.00.35 PM.png



  • The search time range only supports the last 30 days.
  • The report only supports the latest 1000 records.
  • The failed records are tracked starting from 15:00 on June 27, 2024. Only failures occurring after this time will be displayed on the page.
  • If any of the failure reasons listed in the table occur, customers will not be able to receive the download gift. Please review carefully.

Failure Reason

Failure Result

The store has not turned on the download gift campaign switch. Customers will not be able to receive the download gift.
The reward method is "Store Credits", the store has not turned on the store credits switch.
The reward method is "Points", the store has not turned on the member points switch.
The reward method is "Store Credits and Points", the store has not turned on the store credits and member points switch at the same time.
The reward method is "coupon", the promotion has been unpublished or deleted.
the customer has already claimed the coupon in the promotion component on the App homepage or the coupon center.
the target group set for the coupon does not apply to the current customer.
the cumulative number of coupons used has reached the coupon usage limit.
the coupon has been used.
and the coupon is set to "first purchase only". The customer has previously purchased items on the online store or app.
Duplicate collection. The current device has received the download gift. Customers will not be able to receive the download gift again.
The customer has received the download gift on another device. Customers will not be able to receive the download gift on the new device.
The customer has logged into the App on other devices. Customers will not be able to receive the download gift on the new device.
The current device has been logged into the App by another customer. Customers will not be able to receive the download gift on their current device.








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