Start Instagram Live With Livestreaming Software

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You can start an Instagram livestream through livestreaming software for an extended broadcast duration.

This article will cover the following:


1. Setup

Step 1

Download the "PRISM Live Studio" application.

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Step 2

Open the application and tap Ready.

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Step 3

Tap Add platforms and select Custom RTMP.

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Step 4

Go to Instagram Admin, and select [Create] > [Live video].

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Set the livestream title and audience.

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Copy the "Stream URL" and "Stream key".

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Step 5

Return to PRISM Live Studio and paste the "Stream URL" and "Stream Key" to the respective field. Then, tap Save to complete.

*Note: Instagram currently does not have a persistent stream key. You have to copy and paste the new stream key for each livestream.

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2. Start a livestream

Step 1

Go to PRISM Live Studio and tap Go Live.



Step 2

Go to the Instagram Admin and start the livestream.

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Step 3

Go to the livestream backstage in the SHOPLINE Admin, and click Connect Instagram.

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3. End a livestream

Step 1

End the livestream from the Instagram Admin.

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Step 2

Tap the End button on the top right of the PRISM Live Studio.




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