Password Protection App

1. EC (EN).png

The "Password Protection" app offers a simple and convenient user interface to assist you in encrypting pages that are not yet publicly accessible or are intended only for specific customers. For instance, pages with exclusive VIP member offers or marketing pages that require prolonged setup. The flexible design allows you to customize the encryption duration, preventing customers from accessing the page inadvertently and reassuring you while you're planning store campaigns.


⚠️ Before you start, please be reminded:

  • This feature is only available for Taiwan / Hong Kong stores.
  • To retain the Password Protection app, please purchase the full version within the 14-day trial period.
  • Currently, this app only supports the following three theme templates: Ultra Chic, Kingsman, and Varm.


This article will cover the following:


1. Install the Password Protection app

Step 1. Go to Apps Store

Go to the SHOPLINE Admin > [Apps] > [Apps Store], click the "Filter" drop-down menu, and select Store Management.

To learn more details about the apps and installation, please refer to Apps Store.

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🔔 Reminder: App reauthorization
SHOPLINE updates and optimizes the Apps Store and its features on a regular basis. Some apps may require you to reauthorize them to function properly. To do so, proceed to [Apps] > [My Apps]. On the top of the page, you will see a reminder in yellow indicating which apps need to be reauthorized. For detailed instructions, please refer to this article.
*Note: You can choose to close the reminders. Once closed, the message will no longer appear.

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Step 2. Free trial

Find the Password Protection app and click on Free trial.

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Step 3. App settings

Upon successful installation, go to [Apps] > [My Apps]. Click the Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 12.16.50 PM.png button on the right and select App Settings.

*Note: You can view the trial expiration date here.

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Step 4. Activate script

Enter the App Settings page, and click the button on the right side of "App Script" to activate the script.

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Step 5. Confirm activation

A window will pop up, where you'll be asked if you want to enable the app script. Click Confirm to start accessing it.

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If "Activated" is displayed on the right side of "App Script", it means that you have successfully enabled the app.

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2. Password Protection setup

Step 1. View app information

Go to the Admin and then navigate to [Apps] > [My Apps]. Find the Password Protection app and click View App info from the "Open App" drop-down menu.

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Step 2. Open the app

Proceed to the app info page and click the Open App button at the top right.

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Step 3. Set password

Please enter a password of 6-30 characters. Upper-case letters, lower-case letters, and special symbols are accepted.

*Note: If you forget your password, please reset it. The system currently does not support retrieving old passwords.

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Step 4. Valid period

Choose the start and end dates for password protection or check the Never expires box to keep the page encrypted indefinitely.

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 1.43.13 PM.png


Step 5. Apply to pages

Switch on the Apply to all pages toggle to enable password protection for all store pages; or click + Add path to specify encrypted pages. You can set up to 15 sets of page paths.

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Step 6. Save the setup

After completing all the above settings, switch on the Enable after saving toggle and then click Save.

*Note: The activation time for the feature is the start date you set earlier.

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Pages protected by a password will be displayed as "Locked" on the storefront. They can only be accessed with the correct password.
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3. Notes

  • This app provides a 14-day free trial. If you don't make a payment when the trial period ends, the system will automatically uninstall it, and the related settings will be deleted.
  • Before using this feature, be sure to click the Activate script button on the "My Apps" page.
  • Upon successfully entering the password for verification, if you stay on the encrypted page for more than 24 hours, the system will require you to re-enter the password.





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