[Coming Soon] Store-Specific Price|POS Admin

6. EC + SC + POS.png


*This feature is only available for merchants using iOS v1.55.1 and Android v1.30.0 or above.

*This feature is only available for the following merchants:

1. Taiwan Merchants using the "e-Commerce/Social Commerce + Retail POS" system with the"Store Management" or "Advance Store Management Tools" module.

2. Hong Kong Merchants using the "e-Commerce/ Social Commerce + Retail POS" system with the "Advanced Multi-store Setup" module.

When setting a product in the SHOPLINE Admin, the "Store-Specific Price" feature enables you to customize prices for different retail stores, allowing you the flexibility to adapt to the constantly changing retail environment and pricing strategies. Once the Store-Specific Prices are set up, the POS app will display the corresponding store's prices. 

In this article, you'll be introduced to:


1. Enable the feature

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Settings] > [Product Settings] > [POS]. Switch on the toggle for "Set Store-Specific Prices for products", and click Update.


Once the feature is enabled, you can view or edit the Store-Specific Price on the following pages:

  • Add product/ product edit page: Store-Specific Price edit page
  • Bulk import/update file: the "Store-Specific Price" field
  • Product Inventory Report: the "Store-Specific Price" field


2. Set Store-Specific Price

You can set Store-Specific Prices for products with or without variants.

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Products & Categories] > [Products] and click ⊕ Add to add a new product. Or, you can click the Edit button next to an existing product to enter the product edit page.



i. Product without variants

Go to the "Quantity & Pricing" tab and click Set / View Store-Specific Price. A pop-up screen to set up store-specific prices will be shown. Once you enter the prices for each store, click Confirm and then Update to complete setting up the Store-Specific Prices for this product.

*Note: If you wish to set Store-Specific Prices for certain stores while keeping others at the "Retail Store Price", please only enter prices for the specific stores and leave the rest blank.



ii. Product with variants

*In the "Variations" tab, when you check "Same price as main product", this product will be considered as a product without variants. Please uncheck this box to set the Store-Specific Prices for the product's variant.



Setup steps

  1. Go to the "Variations" tab. Under the "Variant List", click Set / view Store-Specific Prices next to any variant.
  2. A pop-up screen to set up Store-Specific Prices will appear.
  3. Enter the prices for the variants in each store. Click Confirm and then Update to complete setting up the Store-Specific Prices for the variant.

*Note: If you wish to set Store-Specific Prices for certain stores while keeping others at the "retail store price", please only enter prices for the specific stores and leave the rest blank.



Notification of product variation changes

If you have made changes to product variations in your previous operations, a pop-up notification will appear when you click Set / view Store-Specific Prices. Please click Save and Continue to save the previous changes and proceed to edit Store-Specific Prices. 




3. Bulk import/ update Store-Specific Prices

i. Bulk import Store-Specific Prices

The bulk import file includes fields of Store-Specific Prices and variant Store-Specific Prices. The amount of fields depends on the total number of your stores (for instance, you have 2 stores, and there will be 2 fields for Store-Specific Prices and 2 fields for variant Store-Specific Prices respectively). You can enter store-specific prices for all product variants and upload them in one go. For more information about the bulk import feature, please refer to Bulk Upload Products (New).

  • Store-specific Price (shown as {store name} Price)


  • Variant Store-specific Price (shown as Variant {store name} Price)



ii. Bulk update Store-Specific Prices

Same as the bulk import file, the bulk update file also includes fields of store-specific prices and variant Store-Specific Prices. The amount of fields depends on the total number of your stores (for instance, if you have 2 stores, there will be 2 fields for Store-Specific Prices respectively). You can enter store-specific prices for all product variants and upload them in one go. For more information about the bulk update feature, please refer to Bulk Update Products


  • Store-specific Price (shown as {store name} Price)


  • Variant Store-specific Price (shown as Variant {store name} Price)



4. Apply/ display Store-Specific Price on POS app 

i. Product price display order on POS app

There are 6 customizable product prices in the SHOPLINE Admin, which are:

  • Regular Price
  • Sale Price
  • Retail Store Price: Only available for merchants using both e-Comerece and Retail POS plans.
  • Store-Specific Price
  • Member Price: Only available for merchants using the "Advanced Store Management Tools" module.
  • Membership Tier Price: Only available for merchants using the "CRM - Membership" module.

The product prices are displayed in the following order on the POS app. When a price for the previous rank is not set, the next-ranked price will be displayed, and so on.

The order of product prices when the toggle of "Member Price and Tier Member Price shown on POS App product related pages" is switched OFF:

Store-Specific Price > Retail Store Price > Sale Price > Regular Price
The order of product prices when the toggle of "Member Price and Tier Member Price shown on POS App product related pages" is switched ON:

Membership Tier Price > Member Price > Store-Specific Price > Retail Store Price > Sale Price > Regular Price
Product price on the product details and purchase orders:

Store-Specific Price > Retail Store Price > Sale Price > Regular Price



ii. Example of product price display in POS app

In this section, the product "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" (凱西的門市總店) will be used for the demonstration of product price display. This product has the following prices set:

  • Regular Price: $590
  • Sale Price: $580
  • Retail Store Price: $600
  • Store-Specific Price - "Main Store C" price: $610
  • Store-Specific Price - "Branch Store C" price: $620
  • Member Price: $570
  • Membership Tier Price - VIP: $550
  • Membership Tier Price - Premium Member Price: $500




A. Product detail

On the POS app, go to the [Checkout], tap and hold the product to open the product detail page. Swipe down on the product image on the right, and you can view the price, inventory, SKU, and other related information. The image below shows the product "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" (凱西的門市總店) is priced at 610, which is also the store-specific price of this store.ap0vNIYveGmQ6fMgN0CNepBtx8b79eFFicvksZQzEfA8HZ0_UhNtQeVuEKn6qzgUVLfZ8DR6yXU3JjXcy94r019cMHUrmaLaopXtiTijM9ixmmmBc4_UjcfrbaVh4ho4kfwR6Ye-P6jdfB52j9ekLhs.gif


B. Shopping cart

On the POS app, go to the [Checkout] and add a product to the shopping cart. The product price will be displayed in the order mentioned in the above section: i. Product price display order on POS app. The price order is as follows: Membership Tier Price > Member Price > Store-Specific Price > Retail Store Price > Sale Price > Regular Price.

  • Guest (non-member customer)
    With the Store-Specific Price set, guests will see the "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" for $610 (shown below).


  • Basic member
    With the Member Price set and the member price ranking higher than the Store-Specific Price, basic members will see the "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" for $570 (as shown below).


  • VIP (or higher rankings)
    With the Membership Tier Price set and the Membership Tier Price ranking higher than both the Member Price and Store-Specific Price, VIP or higher-ranked members will see the "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" priced at the corresponding Membership Tier Price. The following member has a VIP tier, therefore, the product "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" is priced at the VIP price – $550. VIP.png


C. Purchase order

On the POS app, go to [Purchase Orders] and add a new purchase order. The "Price" field will prioritize the display of the Store-Specific Price. In the image below, you can see the product "Roman Camomile Essential Oil" in the store "Main Store C" listed at the Store-Specific Price of $610

*Note: If you add a new purchase in the SHOPLINE Admin, the product price will also be displayed at the Store-Specific Price.



5. Notes

  • If you need to switch off the "Store-Specific Price" feature, please note that all Store-Specific Prices will be cleared once switched off. When you enable the feature again, you will have to set all the Store-Specific Prices again.
  • You can only set the Store-Specific Price in the SHOPLINE Admin; setting it up in the POS app is currently unavailable.
  • Display and configuration of the Store-Specific Price is currently unavailable in the SHOPLINE Admin App.
  • In the SHOPLINE Admin > [Shoplytics] > [Product Sales Analysis], the "Unit Price" field currently does not support the display of the store-specific price.
  • In the SHPOLINE Admin, the "Copy" and "Apply main product info" features currently do not support the Store-Specific Price.
    • Copy (product): Go to the SHOPLINE Admin > [Products & Categories] > [Products]. Click the arrow button next to Edit to open the dropdown list and choose Copy.
    • Apply main product info: Go to the SHOPLINE Admin > [Products & Categories] > [Products]. Click Edit to enter the Product Edit Page. Under the Variant List, choose any variant and the "Apply main product info" drop-down menu will appear.


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