Product Overview | Social Post Selling

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SHOPLINE releases the "Product Overview" feature. You can view the real-time performance of your Social Post Selling from the SHOPLINE Admin.

*Note: You can view the product overview for the sales event posted on the Facebook Page, Facebook group, and Instagram post.

This article will cover the following:


1. Overview

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [Social Post Selling], and select the sales event you want to view.

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 3.36.37 PM.png


Step 2

Click the "Product Overview" icon on the left menu to view the sales performance.


2. Performance

You can view the "Performance" on the upper part of the "Product Overview" page.

  • Comments: The total number of comments while the event is open (including keyword or non-keyword comments).
  • Keyword Comments: The total number of comments containing the keywords while the event is open.
  • Orders: The total number of orders created by customers in the Social Post Selling.
  • Total Order Amount: The total amount of orders created by customers in the Social Post Selling.
  • Total Paid Amount::The total paid amount of orders created in the Social Post Selling.


  • The totals in the Paid Amount are subject to the payment status and certain conditions. For more details, you can refer to this article.
  • Currently, the Total Order Amount and Total Paid Amount only display the subtotal for the orders (not including the discounted amount).
  • The amount in Orders, Total Order Amount, and Total Paid Amount include the order you created for customers.


3. Product Sales

You can view the "Product Sales" on the lower part of the "Product Overview" page.

  • Products: Display all products added to the Social Post Selling (product name, variant name, and price).
  • Keywords: Display the keywords for each product.
  • Inventory: Display the inventory count in the Admin.
  • Available Quantity: the number of products that are currently available. If you have enabled the “Preorder” feature and set a preorder quantity limit for the product, the Available Quantity will be your current inventory and pre-order limit combined together. Please refer to this article for more information on the preorder feature.
  • Lock Inventory: If enabled, once the customer adds the product to the cart, the system will lock the inventory and spare the quota for the customer.
    *Note: For more details on Lock Inventory, please refer to this article
  • Keyword Comments: Display the number of keyword comments in the post.
  • Order(s): The total number of orders created in the Social Post Selling.
  • Paid: The total number of paid orders in the Social Post Selling.
  • Paid amount: The total amount of paid orders in the Social Post Selling.


A. Real-time Update

Click the Update button at the top to manually update the sales data.


B. Quick search

You can enter the product name, keywords, or multiple keywords for a quick search.


C. Display by Products/Variants

You can select to display by products or by variants (you can also view the variant by clicking the product).


D. Adjust the product list order

You can adjust the sorting order for the Inventory, Lock Inventory, Keyword Comments, Order(s), Paid, and Paid Amount columns.

  • Click the column once: Sort in ascending order (from least to greatest)
  • Click the column twice: Sort in descending order (from greatest to least)
  • Click the column thrice: Unsort (no sorting)


  • The "Paid" column is sorted in descending order by default.
  • You can only sort one column at a time.


E. Pin the product

Click the "pin" icon on the product's left to pin it to the top. Click again to unpin.

*Note: You can pin multiple products at a time. (There is no limit to the number of pinned products.)



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Facebook Social Post Selling | Social Commerce






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