Sales: Payments|Shoplytics

5. EC + POS.png

8. 數據分析中心 pro.png

Merchants can use the Payments dashboard in Shoplytics to analyze which payment methods are most popular among customers for payments/refunds. They can also view and analyze payment and refund amounts, averages, and the number of transactions for a given payment method. In addition, merchants can view line graphs charting the performance of selected payment methods and metrics for a particular time period.


This article will cover the following: 


1. Payment methods 

The totals on the Payments dashboard are calculated according to the payment status and amount of an order or transaction. As soon as an order's payment status is updated its amount will be counted in the calculation for Amount Paid or Amount Refunded in the Shoplytics Payments dashboard.

  • If merchants are using an integrated third-party payment option, the payment status will be updated automatically. 
  • If you are using a non-integrated payment option you need to manually update the order's payment status in order for it to be included in the calculation. 

For more information on updating the payment status of an order, please see Order Management Instructions


i. Omni-Channel

Merchants can go to [Reports & Analytics] > [Shoplytics] > [Sales] > [Payment Methods] to view Omni-Channel data. This lets merchants conveniently and quickly gain an overall understanding of their customers' use of different payment methods. The icon in front of each Payment Method indicates whether the payment method is from Online Store or Retail Store. Merchants can also compare different payment methods and metrics. 


ii. Online Store & Retail Store 

Merchants can switch between the "Online Store" or "Retail Store" tabs to gain a better understanding of which payment methods are on different channels. 


*Note: If you are using the Smart OMO feature, all Smart OMO amount/transaction totals will be grouped in the Smart OMO payment method in the [Retail Store] tab. 


iii. Metric definitions 

Metric Definition

Amount Paid

The total amount paid per payment method for the selected time period. The figure in parenthesis shows the percentage amount each payment method has contributed to the All Methods Amount Paid total. 

Paid Transactions

The number of transactions made per payment method. The figure in parenthesis shows the percentage amount each payment method has contributed to the All Methods Paid Transactions total.

Average Amount Paid

Amount paid ÷ Paid transactions for the selected time period.

Amount Refunded

The total amount refunded per payment method during the selected time period.

Refunded Transactions

The number of refunded transactions made per payment method during the selected time period.

Net Payment

Amount Paid minus Amount Refunded for the selected time period.


  • These metrics are based on an order's Payment Status. If an order is canceled, split, or products added or removed without the Payment Status being changed at the same time, then the Payment Methods metrics in Shoplytics will remain unchanged. The only exception is deleted orders, which will be removed from the totals in Shoplytics.
  • The recorded amount is based on the paid amount of the current order status. The system takes the transaction amount recorded on the day. For example, if a customer makes a pre-order at a Retail Store for $800 on 15 July, pays $200 in cash on the same day, and then pays the remaining balance of $600 by credit card on 25 July, it will be recorded as:
    • 15 July: Cash $200
    • 25 July: Credit Card $600
  • Online Store returned orders are not included in Payment Method metric calculations.
  • While using the "Combine Order" feature, please be aware of the following limitations for non-cash on delivery orders:

    • To refund orders using SHOPLINE Payments, please go to "the original orders before merge" for further operations. To refund orders using other payment methods, please go to the "combined (merged) orders" to proceed.
    • If a refund is initiated for a combined (merged) order, it will be categorized under the payment method "Combined order payment," rather than the payment method of the original orders before merging.
      To learn more about the combined order payment, please refer to Combined Order


2. Payment status & calculation method 

i. Online Store/EC store 

There are different calculation methods depending on the Payment Status of an order.

Payment Status Calculation method
Unpaid (Including failed & expired payments)

If the payment status is "Unpaid" when an order is created, this will not be added to the Payment Amount/Paid Transaction totals. Orders for whom the payment status is changed from "Paid" to "Unpaid" will be deducted from the Payment Amount/Paid Transactions totals.


Orders whose payment status is changed from "Unpaid" or "Refunded" to "Paid" will be added to Payment Amount/Paid Transactions totals.


Orders that have payment status "Refunding" will not be counted/recorded. 


Orders for whom the status of the payments is changed from "Paid" to "Refunded" will be added to the Refunded Amount/Refunded Transactions totals.


ii. Retail Store 

The calculation method depends on the order type and payment status of the order.

Order type Transaction payment status



When this order is created it will be added to Payment Amount/Transaction Totals (Payment status: "Paid" or "Partially Paid")

When the order is completed it will be added to Payment Amount/Transaction totals (Payment status: "Paid")

When an order is canceled it will be added to Amount Refunded/Refunded Transaction totals (Payment status: "Refunded")


When this order is created it will be added to the Amount Refunded/Refunded Transaction totals (Payment status: "Paid")

When this order is canceled it will be deducted from the Amount Refunded/Refunded Transaction totals (Payment status: "Refunded")


When the order is completed, if the payment amount is positive is will be counted as a regular order. If the payment amount is negative it will be counted as a return order.

*Note: If an order is paid for using multiple payment methods, then the Payment Amount will be split between each method accordingly. 


3. Payment trend line graphs

To view a list of how different payment methods have performed over a given time period, merchants can also view line graphs of the same data filtered by payment method and payment metric.

i. Select Methods

Using the Select Methods dropdown menu at the top left of the dashboard, merchants can select which payment methods to view in the line graphs and analyze. You can view up to four different payment methods at once. 


ii. Select Metrics 

"Amount Paid" is displayed by default. You can also select other metrics from the dropdown menu and have them displayed on the graph, including "Paid Transactions", "Average Paid Amount," "Amount Refunded," "Refunded Transactions," and "Net Amount."


Export report

Click the download button on the right side of the line chart, and the system will export the report based on the selected payment method and metrics.



4. Frequently asked questions

i.  (Online Store) Why are Total Payments not equal to Total Sales for my store?

Total Sales reflect the fact that an order has been completed. It does not, however, indicate whether the payment for that order has been received or processed. Because some payment methods require processing time or need a merchant to manually change the payment status, there may be a delay between the order amount being recorded in Total Sales and the Payment Status of an order being recorded as "Paid". It is recommended that merchants check both figures for accuracy. 


ii. (Online Store) Will canceled orders affect Total Payments? How are refunds recorded?

Canceled Orders will not affect Total Payments. If an order with the payment status "Paid" is canceled the original Paid amount will still be included in the Total Payments calculation.

If you process a refund at the time of canceling an order, please change the Payment status of the order to "Refunded" in order to have it recorded for the Amount Paid/Paid Transactions totals for the hour that the status is changed. (Recording part of an Order as refunded is not currently supported. However, you can split the order and change the individual payment status of each).

*Canceled orders are recorded differently for Retail Stores. Please refer to the previous section 2. Payment Status & Calculation method B. Retail Store for more information. 


iii. (Online Store) Will edited orders be recorded in Payment Methods totals? How can I reprocess a payment? 

So long as the payment status of an order is not changed after the order is edited then Payment Amount and Paid Transactions totals will remain unchanged. 

If the order amount is changed when editing an order, merchants must process a new payment/refund. To do this, the payment status of the order should be changed to "Unpaid" or "Refunded" before editing. Merchants should then revert the payment status back to "Paid"  once the order has been edited and the payment received, in order for it to be recorded in Payment Methods totals.


iv. (Online Store) Will split orders affect Payment Methods totals? How should I process partial refunds for split orders?

If the Payment Status for an order is already "Paid" and the order is then split, this will not affect Payment Methods totals. This is because the Payment Status of the original (parent) order has not changed. You can, however, edit the Payment Status of both the parent and child orders if you want to have them recorded separately in the Payment Methods totals.

For example: If the Payment Status for the original order of $500 is "Paid," and the order is then split into a parent order of $300 and a child order of $200, changing the payment status of the parent order of $300 to "Paid" and the child order to "Refunded" will see them recorded as "$300 (Paid)" and "$200 (Refunded) in the Payment Methods totals.


v. (Retail Store) How is change recorded for Payment Method totals? 

Regardless of the payment method used, change will be counted/deducted as Cash in Amount Paid. Change does not affect Paid Transactions totals.  






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