SHOPLINE Live's Broadcast feature allows merchants to simultaneously send Broadcasts containing text, links, and product images, to all viewers that have left a comment on a live stream. This can be useful for reminding customers that have placed an order to complete the checkout process, helping to increase the conversion rate of your Livestream.
*Note: Broadcasts can only be sent to customers that interacted with your store's Facebook Page via Facebook Messenger within the past 24 hours, or clicked the "Continue" button in the message.
In this article, you'll find:
1. How to create & send broadcasts
Step 1
In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and select one live stream that is synchronized with Facebook Page.
Step 2
After entering a live stream for which the purchasing period has ended, click on the Broadcast icon in the menu on the left.
Step 3
On the following page, click Add broadcast.
[Coming Soon] Cross-Channel Broadcast
You can send Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or LINE broadcasts from Facebook Live. For more details, please refer to this article.
Step 4
Click the drop-down menu to select the Target Population:
- All message customers
- Filter message customers
- Customers interacted with Page within 24 hours
- Customers who subscribed to One-time notification (for details refer to this article)
If you chose to filter customers, you can use the following statuses to filter:
- Cart: Any, Not Created, Created
- Order(s): Any, Not Created, Created
- Payment Status: Any, Unpaid, Paid
- Upload Payment Transfer Proof: Not Uploaded Payment Transfer Proof, Uploaded Payment Transfer Proof
Step 5
When the live stream fulfills the two conditions below:
- Cross-posting livesstream (live posts on different Pages)
- Pages showing the livestream are connected to the Admin
Merchants can select to broadcast the message to any or all pages.
If you do not use cross-posting, you can still broadcast messages on main/sub pages. The name of the page will be shown in the Target population section.
Once you have completed the selection, you will see the number of people to receive the broadcast successfully.
Step 6
Enter a name for the broadcast, and choose the messages you want to include. There are five types of message formats available: Text, Text + button, Image, Card, and Notification request.
- Select only one image at a time. Images must be in JPEG, PNG, GIF format, 4096 x 4096 pixels, and less than 1MB.
- The "Create Button" is required for Text+button and Card message types.
- You can broadcast up to 3 messages at a time.
Please refer to SHOPLINE Live|Facebook One-time Notification to know more about broadcasting notification requests.
Step 7
You can use the action buttons at the side of the message to rearrange the order of messages and delete the message(s) you have created.
i. Drag and rearrange message order
ii. Delete the message
Step 8
Once you confirm the broadcast message and the target population, click the blue Send button.
You can view the Send time, Target population, Number of messages sent, Send status and copy the broadcast.
- Please refresh the page first to check the latest sending status of broadcast messages.
- If you are cross-posting broadcasts to many Pages, the broadcast will be split into multiple sends and displayed separately on the broadcast list.
Below is an example of a successfully sent broadcast:
2. Apply/save a template
A. Apply a template
In the livestream backstage, select the Broadcast tab. Click Quick Template.
You'll find the default quick templates:
- Send next live broadcast notification request - the default "one-time" message
- Send live broadcast preview - The system will broadcast to customers who subscribe to one-time notifications by default.
*Note: Please enable the one-time notification feature before applying the default quick templates. Please refer to this FAQ for details
B. Save as template
If you customize a broadcast message or edit the template message content, you can click the Save as Template button at the top right of the page to save your customized content.
You can find your customized template in the pop-up menu for future use.
*Note: To edit or delete a custom message template, click the "..." icon on the right.
Read more
- SHOPLINE Live | Performance Dashboard & Comment Management
- SHOPLINE Live|Facebook One-time Notification