With Sales Overview, you can view important metrics at a glance related to order amounts and trends. Line graphs plotting this data for a selected time period provide a clear illustration of how a store is performing, and also offer valuable insights for formulating strategy adjustments and when drafting key performance indicators.
*Note: Data will be updated when the Shoplytics page is refreshed.
This article comprises two main sections:
1. How to read Sales Overview data
In SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Reports & Analytics] > [Shoplytics]. From the menu on the left-hand side in Shoplytics, go to [Sales] > [Sales Overview].
2. Sales Revenue
i. Omni-Channel
On the Omni-Channel page, Sales Revenue offers two key indicators: GMV (Gross Merchandise Value), and Total Sales.
- On the left-hand side, merchants can quickly gain an understanding of the source and size of contributions to store revenue divided by channel.
- The line graph on the right-hand side provides a clear illustration of two critical metrics (GMV, and Total Sales).
Example image below: The difference between the GMV total for 13 Apr, and Total Sales is relatively large. This indicates that the cancelled orders for that particular day were higher than for other days. As a result, you can go back and review the situation for that day and adjust your operating strategy accordingly.
Possible causes: The value of cancelled orders for that particular day was large, or the activity types for that time period gave rise to a relatively high rate of cancelled orders.
*Note: For a more detailed insight into these metrics, merchants can click View Related Report at the top right to view the Sales Detail page.
ii. Online Store
In the Online Store tab, you can view the data and the following key online store operating metrics:
- Positive indicators: GMV, Total Edited Value, Total Sales, Gross Profit
- Negative indicators: Cancelled Value, Total Returned Value [from stores only using New Advanced Return Management], Cost of Sales
Metric definitions: Online Store
Metric | Description |
Gross Merchandise Value |
Gross Merchandise Value contains everything that contributes to the total amount paid by the customer, including the retail price of the product, delivery fees, and discounts. |
Cancelled Value |
Cancelled orders are those that have had their order status changed to "Cancelled" either by a merchant or by a shopper cancelling an order. |
Total Edited Value |
The total value of orders that have been edited or split by a merchant, which caused a difference (higher or lower) from the original order amount. |
Total Returned Value |
The total amount of returns on the online store return orders, which will be adjusted and calculated as per different situations:
Total Sales |
Total Sales= GMV - Cancelled Value + Total Edited Value (*Remark 1) - Total Returned Value [from stores only using New Advanced Return Management] |
Cost of Sales |
The cost of items (Products, Add-ons, Free Gifts) included in order at the time a sale is made (*Remark 2), excluding shipping and other related costs. |
Gross Profit | Gross Profit = Total Sales - Cost of Sales |
Gross Profit Margin | Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Total Sales *100 or ([ Total Sales - Cost of Sales ] / Total Sales) * 100 |
*Remark 1: [For stores only using New Advanced Return Management] In the event of order returns, adjustments (calculations) will be made based on the circumstances. The calculation method is as follows:
- Total Returned Value = Total return at the time of returned order creation ± Return adjusted item - Total of cancelled returned orders.
*Remark 2:
- The cost displayed in the report is only summed up for products, gifts, or add-ons with recorded costs at the time of sale. To make the cost report more accurate, please be sure to set the relevant product costs in SHOPLINE Admin before sales. For detailed instructions, please refer to Cost of Sales | Product.
[For stores only using New Advanced Return Management] In the event of order returns, adjustments (calculations) will be made based on the circumstances.
- Return order created: Subtract the cost of the returned items at the time of sale.
- Return order status is "Cancelled": Add back the cost of the returned items at the time of sale.
*Note: Changes made to the amount and status of the orders (e.g. cancelled orders, split orders, or products included in the order, etc.) will be recorded and updated on the day the changes were made.
iii. Retail Store
In the Retail Store tab, merchants can view the data (*Remark 2) and the key indicators for Retail Store operations:
- Positive indicators: GMV, Total Edited Value, Preorder (Paid off), Total Sales, Gross Profit
- Negative indicators: Cancelled Value, Preorder (Outstanding), Total Returned Value, Cost of Sales.
*Remark 2: Retail Store metrics are derived from SHOPLINE POS and Smart OMO data.
Metric definitions: Retail Store
Metric | Description |
The value of all the created orders placed by customers during the selected time period, including Paid and Unpaid Orders. Gross Merchandise Value contains everything that contributes to the total amount paid by the customer, including the retail price of the product, and any delivery fees and discounts. |
Cancelled Value |
The total value of cancelled orders for the selected time period. Cancelled orders are those that have had their order status changed to "Cancelled" either by a merchant or by a shopper. Note: If an order is returned at a retail store, the value of the return will count toward the Cancelled Value for the day that the item is returned. |
Total Edited Value |
When a customer pays off their preorder in a retail store, an additional payment fee might be incurred which will cause a difference from the original order amount. The amount difference will be listed in Total Edited Value. |
Preorder (Paid Off) |
The total balance amount of preorders that Retail Store shoppers have paid off within the selected time period.
Preorder (Outstanding) |
The total balance amount of preorders that Retail Store shoppers have not yet paid for the selected time period.
Total Returned Value |
The total amount of the store return order. The amount will be deducted if the return order is cancelled. |
Total Sales |
Total Sales = Gross Merchandise Value - Cancelled Value + Preorder (Paid Off) - Preorder (Outstanding) - Total Returned Value |
Cost of Sales |
The cost of items (Products, Add-ons, Free Gifts) is included in order at the time a sale is made (*Remark 1), excluding shipping and other related costs. Orders for which are partially paid will have their cost value recorded when the full balance is paid off. |
Gross Profit |
Gross Profit = Total Sales - Cost of Sales |
Gross Profit Margin |
Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Total Sales * 100 or (Total Sales – Cost of Sales) / Total Sales * 100 |
*Remark 3: Cost is reported only for products, add-ons, and gifts that had a cost recorded for them at the time they were sold. To ensure more accurate data, please set a cost for a product in SHOPLINE Admin before selling. For detailed instructions, please see Cost of Sales | Product
*Note: Changes made to the amount and status of the orders (e.g.: cancelled orders, split orders, or products included in the order, etc) will be recorded and updated on the day the changes were made.
3. Payments
The metrics in Payments are calculated according to the total amount and payment status of an order. An order will be included in the calculations for Amount Paid, and Amount Refunded when its payment status is changed.
- If using a payment option from an integrated third-party payment provider, the payment status will be updated automatically.
- If you are using a non-integrated payment option, you will need to update the order's payment status manually for it to be recorded in Payments.
For more information on updating the payment status of an order, please see Order Management Instructions
Payments three main metrics: Amount Paid, Amount Refunded, and Net Payment
Metric | Description |
Amount Paid |
The total value of orders for which the payment status has been changed to "Paid" for the selected time period. |
Amount Refunded |
The total value of orders for which the payment status has been changed to "Refunded" for the selected time period. (*Remark 4) (*Remark 5) |
Net Payment |
Net Payment = Amount Paid - Amount Refunded |
*Remark 4: Orders that have the payment status "Refunding" or "Partially Refunded" are not currently included in the total for Amount Refunded.
*Remark 5: "Return Order" is not included in any payment records, online store refunds will be tracked in the original payment status.
For more information on how payment and refund amounts are recognized, please see Sales: Payment Methods | Shoplytics
i. Omni-Channel
In the Omni-Channel tab, you can compare the payment and refund trends for different channels:
- The data displayed on the left-hand side shows the relative importance of the different channels to refunded and payment totals.
- The line graphs on the right-hand side show payment and refunded trends from different channels, as well as net changes.
If you want to view the payment method for all types of the payment amount, return amount, and net amount, you can click View Related Report at the top right to enter the Payment Methods section.
ii. Online Store & Retail Store
In the Online Store and Retail Store tabs, only data collected from each respective channel is shown:
- The relationship between a refund and payment amounts and net payments is displayed on the left-hand side.
- The line graphs on the right-hand side show payment and refunded trends for a particular channel, as well as net changes.
Generally speaking, the Amount Paid will be greater than the Amount Refunded for most stores hoping to maintain sustainable operations. In case the refunded amount is greater than payment for a given time period, you are suggested to investigate the causes or review the data again in order to formulate a more appropriate refund policy for their store.
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