Discount Options can help you quickly select discounts on the POS app and shorten the path to check out.
If you want to apply for this feature, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.
This article will be covering the following:
1. How to add / edit / delete discount options
Add Discount Template
Step 1. In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Retail Store] > [Discount Options] > [Add Discount].
The management permissions of the "POS Discount Options" page have been subdivided into two kinds of permissions - "View" and "Edit". Only those with permission can perform the corresponding operations. For details, please refer to this article.
Step 2. Fill in the Discount Name in either one language and the Discount Content. Then, click Add to apply the setting.
There are two discount types: Discount % (as shown in picture A, "20" means 20% off) and Discount Amount (as shown in picture B, "100" means $100 discount).
( picture A ) ( picture B )
Edit Discount Options
Step 1. Choose the discount template which you want to edit, then click Edit to edit the discount template.
Step 2. Click Save to apply the setting after you finish the edit.
Delete Discount Options
Delete one discount option at a time:
- Choose the discount option which you want to delete.
- Click the arrow and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
Bulk delete discount options:
Tick on the templates which you want to delete at a time, then click Delete to delete the selected options.
2. How to select discounts on the POS app
Apply a discount on one product
Step 1. Tap and hold the product in which you want to apply a discount and then tap Add discount.
Step 2. Tap Custom and select the discount you want to apply.
The system will show the discount name and the regular price on top of the sale price.
*Note: You can apply only one discount on one product at a time.
Apply a discount on the order
Step 1. Tap Add Discount.
Step 2. Tap Custom and select the discount you want to apply.
The system will show the discount name and the discount amount at the bottom of the cart.
*Note: You can apply no more than five discounts on one order at a time.
3. Notes
1. The difference in the display of Discount % between Admin and POS app:
- In SHOPLINE Admin, the display of Discount % will be "X% off" E.g. 20%
- On the POS app, the display of Discount % will change according to store currency.
- the display of Discount % in NTD stores will be "(100-X)off" E.g. 8 折
- the display of Discount % in the other stores will be "X% off" E.g. 20%