Brand New Operation Dashboard

6. EC + SC + POS.png

When logged in to the Admin, the dashboard gives you an instant overview of your store. We are proud to introduce our new Dashboard interface, making it easier for you to manage daily operations.

We have improved the display of key metrics in the new dashboard. This includes metrics such as Page Views, Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), Order Counts, etc. You can also compare the data across time intervals and take a glance at the growth of the operational performance.

We hope you enjoy the following optimizations as much as we do. Stay tuned for further updates!



1. Pending messages and orders

To help our merchants quickly follow up on the messages and orders that are pending review, we've listed the numbers of total unread messages, total unfulfilled orders, and total unpaid orders on the dashboard.EN_Step1.png

Metric Description
Total Unread Messages The number of total unread messages in the Admin Panel. Click to enter the Message Center and see the unread messages. (Note 1)
Total Unfulfilled Orders The number of orders with the delivery status is "Unfulfilled." Click to enter the Orders page and see all unfulfilled orders. (Note 2)
Total Unpaid Orders The number of orders with the payment status is "Unpaid." Click to enter the Orders page and see all unpaid orders. (Note 2)

Note 1: The number of "Total Unread Messages" includes the inbox and post message but not the instant ones

Note 2: "Total Unfulfilled Orders" and "Total Unpaid Orders" do not include cancelled or deleted orders

After you enter the Orders page, you can see the filtered orders with "Unfulfilled" delivery status and "Unpaid" payment status, which can be combined with a time interval filter or other status conditions to help you quickly find orders to be processed.


2. Store daily operations: metrics

How's the sales performance recently? Is there a peak hour in my store? Are the new promotions driving traffic to my site?

The dashboard shows cumulative data and the line charts of GMV, gross orders, total sessions, and newly added members, allowing you to find out the current performance of your store.

Move the cursor over the line graph to see the specific numbers for each time interval. If you use a mobile device, tap on the line to view the detailed figures in a box.

You can also select the data time interval. For easier comparison with the previous interval, the current data is shown in the darker line, while the previous data is shown in the lighter line.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1.47.24 PM.png


Metric Description
GMV The total value of orders created in the selected time interval (including the value of cancelled orders)
Total Sales

GMV - cancelled orders in the selected time interval (Note)

Gross Orders The number of orders created in the selected time interval (including the number of cancelled orders)
Total Orders Gross orders - the number of cancelled orders in the selected time interval (Note)
Total Sessions Total number of sessions. When a customer visits your online store and interacts with you for a while, it will be counted as a session.
Newly Added Members The number of new members registered in the selected time interval

Note: If there is any change of orders (e.g., order cancellation, order split, or order edit), the order amount difference will be marked on the date of the action taken.

The charts will update upon refresh. If you are also using our POS, the data on the dashboard will be the total data from omni-channel (online store and retail store).


3. Store daily operations: interface

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1.52.23 PM.png


i. Select data interval

You can select the time interval to look up the data. For easier comparison with the previous interval, the current data is shown in the darker line, while the previous data is shown in the lighter line.

You can select from the available time interval below:

Time interval Description Compared with 
Today Hourly data from 00:00 to the last hour Yesterday
Yesterday Hourly data of yesterday (24 hours) The day before yesterday
Last 7 Days Daily data for the past 7 days Previous 7 days (compared with the prior week)
Last 30 Days Daily data for the past 30 days Previous 30 days (compared with 30 days ago)

The system will calculate the growth rate between the two intervals automatically.


(Selected time interval - Data of the previous time interval) ÷ Data of the previous time interval

If you select the time as Today and look for GMV at today 4:30 pm. The GMV of Today til 4:00 pm is USD 5,500, and the GMV of Yesterday at 4:00 pm was USD 4,000. The growth rate of GMV is 38%.


ii. More data

For more analytical reports and functions, you can click More data in Shoplytics or go to [Report & Analytics] > [Shoplytics] in the Admin.


iii. Switch data

You can click the "GMV/Total Sales" or "Gross Orders/Total Orders" buttons to switch to the data you want to view.


iv. Button for going to the Orders page

Click the button next to the "Gross Orders/Total Orders" button to enter the Order page and the orders of the selected interval.


4. Top products

This section shows the top 5 products sorted by sold amount and page views.

You can click the section title (Top Products in x Days) to gain insights into the product performance in Products|Shoplytics.EN_Step4.png

Metric Description
Product Name Click to enter the product's editing page.
Sold Click to rank the products with the most sold in the selected interval
Page Views Click to rank the products with the most viewed in the selected interval






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