SHOPLINE's Free Shipping feature gives you more options and flexibility to plan the most suitable marketing strategy for your business. This article will focus on how to set up a free shipping promotion.
This article will cover the following:
If you would like to set up other promotions such as "All Products/ Selected Products discount" or "Bundle Promotion", please refer to the FAQ links below:
Promotions Step 1 - General Information
Bundle Promotion Step 1 - General Information
A+B Promotion Step 1 - General Information
Buy X Get Y Promotion Step 1 - General Information
If you would like to skip Step 1 and directly go to Steps 2, 3, 4, please refer to the links below.
Promotions Step 2 - Set Target Group
Promotions Step 3 - Set Benefits & Criteria
Promotions Step 4 - Set Valid Payment & Delivery Options
1. Before creating the campaign
Proceed to SHOPLINE Admin > [Promotions] > [Free Shipping], and click the View Promotions Analysis button on the top right to view more detailed promotional data.
2. Setup general information
Step 1. Enable the "Free shipping" setup page
Proceed to SHOPLINE Admin > [Promotions & Reward] > [Free Shipping] and click Add to get to the setup page.
Step 2. Create a campaign
The promotion name will appear on the checkout page under "Applied Promotion". If you have ticked the "Show promotion campaign information on product details page" box in [Promotions & Reward] > [Promotions & Campaigns] > [Promotion Settings], it will also appear on the Product detail page.
*Suggestion: For effective marketing, promotion names should be titled clearly and include the discount condition, type, and eligible customers. For example, "Christmas Day 12/25 Free shipping for all orders $599 & above".
- You could input only one language.
- The Promotion Name is limited to 100 characters.
Do not write in {{Chinese}} format, e.g., {{聖誕優惠}}
Step 3. Discount summary
When you have finished setting up the discount conditions, you can check the setup information in the "Discount Summary" section to confirm your discount setup.
A. Set Free Shipping Type - Free Shipping on Entire Order
There are two types of free shipping plans: Free shipping on the Entire Order and Partial Free Shipping on the Product. Once an order meets the discount conditions, the shipping fee will be exempt.
i. Set Purchase Condition
The purchase conditions are categorized into 4 types, other than "No Condition", the other three purchase conditions can be set as "Minimum amount" or "Minimum items".
- No Condition: If the purpose of the promotion is to gather customers' information or to increase member count, you could set a promotion with no condition to lower the threshold.
- Total Order over ...: The promotion would apply when the order reaches the minimum order amount or items.
Selected Products over ...: The promotion would apply when selected products reach the minimum order amount or items. For example: When you create a promotion of "Soaps that reach a $2000 order will be qualified for free shipping", you can use keywords/ tags/ categories in the search bar to select eligible products for the promotion efficiently.
Selected Categories over ...: The promotion would apply when selected categories reach the minimum order amount or items. You could use keywords to find and select particular categories in a more efficient manner. If there are some products in the category that would not apply to free shipping, click Select Exclude Product(s) button to exclude them.
ii. Set Event(s) and Condition(s)
Enter the purchase condition for the amount and items, one free shipping discount offer supports only one discount condition.
- Minimum amount: If the purchase amount reaches $1000 or more, it will qualify for free shipping.
- Minimum items: If the purchased item reaches 5 items or above, it will qualify for free shipping.
- If the cart includes products/categories that are not included in the free shipping product selection, this order will still qualify for the "Free Shipping on Entire Order" condition.
- If a shop creates multiple "Free Shipping on Entire Order" promotions, when the order meets the conditions for all the promotions, the system will prioritize the promotion that was created first.
Storefront view of "Free Shipping on Entire Order"
- Checkout page
B. Set Free Shipping Type - Partial Free Shipping on Product
If you select Partial Free Shipping on Product, the weight/ quantity of the selected products will not be included in the delivery fee calculation.
*Note: "Partial Free Shipping on Product" feature requires the "Promotions & Rewards" module. If you have any questions, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.
Select Products
Select products to exclude from delivery fee calculations. You can use keywords/ tags/ categories to quickly find the selected products and click select all in this page to speed up the selection process.
- When setting up different "Partial Free Shipping on Product" promotions, you can select the same products, but the system will only apply one discount promotion during checkout.
- If the order meets both "Free Shipping on Entire Order" and "Partial Free Shipping on Product", the system will prioritize "Free Shipping on Entire Order".
- If the shop created multiple "Partial Free Shipping on Product" promotions, when an order meets the requirements for all of them, the system will prioritize the "Partial Free Shipping on Product" promotion created first.
Applying "Partial Free Shipping on Product"
The following examples will illustrate how the system applies "Partial Free Shipping on Products" when customers select different shipping methods.
- When the shop offers two delivery methods at the same time
- When a shop creates three free shipping promotions at the same time
Scenario 1: The customer purchases 1 item of product A (Weight 0.5kg), 1 item of product B (Weight 0.3 kg)
When the customer selects "Delivery Method 1"
- Not qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 3" because the total product quantity does not meet the minimum 4-item condition.
- Qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 1" because products A, and B are both select products of "Free Shipping promotion 1", thus the entire order will qualify for free shipping.
If the customer selects "Delivery method 2"
- Not qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 3" because the total product quantity does not meet the minimum 4-item condition.
- Qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 2" because product B is a select product of "Free Shipping promotion 2", but product A will be calculated for the shipping fee. The weight of product A is 0.5 kg, thus the entire order will be charged a shipping fee of $80.
Scenario 2: Customer purchases 1 product A (Weight 0.5 kg), 1 product B (Weight 0.3 kg) and 1 product C (Weight 0.8 kg).
When the customer selects "Delivery Method 1"
- Not qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 3" because the total product quantity does not meet the minimum 4-item condition.
- Not qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 1" because even though products A & B are select products qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 1", the cart also contains product C that is not, thus the entire order will be charged a shipping fee of $60.
When the customer selects "Delivery Method 2"
- Not qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 3" because the total product quantity does not meet the minimum 4-item condition.
- Qualified for "Free Shipping promotion 2" because products B & C are select products of "Free Shipping promotion 2", but product A will be calculated for the shipping fee. The weight of product A is 0.5 kg, thus the entire order will be charged a shipping fee of $80.
Scenario 3: Customer purchases 1 Product A (Weight 0.5 kg), 1
Product B (Weight 0.3 kg), 2 Product C's (Weight 0.8 kg).
- Whether it is Delivery Method 1 or 2 that the customer selects, the system will apply "Free Shipping promotion 3" because the total product quantity has reached the minimum 4-items condition, therefore the system will prioritize the application of "Free Shipping on Entire Order".
Online Shop view of "Partial Free Shipping on Products"
- Storefront product page
- Checkout Page
3. Duplicate promotion
In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Promotions & Reward] > [Free Shipping]. Find the promotional campaign you would like to duplicate, click open the drop-down menu, and select Duplicate.
The system will direct you to the promotion setup page and duplicate the following fields of the selected promotion.
Setup steps | Duplicated fields |
1. General Information |
Duplicate all fields, including Promotion Name, Free Shipping Type, Purchase Condition, Selected Product, or Categories. |
2. Set Target Group | Duplicate all fields, including Target Group, Member Group, Customer Tags, and Other Settings. |
3. Set Benefits & Criteria | No duplication for any fields. "Auto apply promotion" is selected by default. |
4. Set Valid Payment & Delivery Options | Duplicate all fields, including Payment Options and Delivery Options. |
- Duplication of promotion pages and SEO settings are currently are not supported.
- After duplicating a campaign, you still need to click Confirm &Publish the Discount Promotion to successfully create the campaign.
* Once you have completed Step 1, you can refer to the FAQs below to continue with Steps 2, 3, 4.
Promotions Step 2 - Set Target Group
Promotions Step 3 - Set Benefits & Criteria
Promotions Step 4 - Set Valid Payment & Delivery Options
* The following is a sequence diagram for the application of promotions. The promotions will be applied from top to bottom, except those related to gifts, which can be applied in a stack. As for the rest of the promotions, only one will be applied per row.