Store Credits | POS App

3. POS (EN).png

To apply for this and other POS features, please contact our Merchant Success Team. 


SHOPLINE's POS app supports the Store Credits feature, which means customers are now able to also use online store credits when checking out at a physical store.  

This article will cover the following: 


1. How to enable Store Credits for POS

Step 1

In SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Customers Management] > [Store Credits].



Step 2

Switch on the "POS Credit Redemption" toggle to allow customers to redeem store credits during checkout. 

POS app will show the current store credits balance in the member's account regardless of whether the "POS Credit Redemption" toggle is switched on or off.



Set conditions for POS Credit Redemption

*Note: This feature only supports merchants matching all the following conditions. If you need plan upgrades, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.

  • Using the "e-Commerece" + "Retail POS" system
  • Using the "CRM" or" CRM-Credits" module.
  • Using the POS app with iOS v1.68.0 or Android v.1.36.0 and above.


Switch on the "POS Credit Redemption" toggle. You can configure the conditions for redeeming credits on the POS app and the maximum amount that can be applied.


1. Apply credits condition

  • No Condition: There is no condition for redeeming credits. Customers can redeem credits on all POS orders.
  • Total Order over: Customers can redeem credits only when orders reach the set minimum amount. Please enter a positive integer in the box on the right. For example, 500 NTD.


2. Maximum amount of credits applied

  • Unlimited: There is no upper limit for the amount of redeemed credits. The entire order amount can be deducted.
  • Fixed Amount: The redemption limit is a fixed amount. Please enter a positive integer in the box on the right. For example, 100 NTD.
  • Percentage %: The redemption limit depends on the percentage you set. Please enter a positive integer between 1 to 100 in the box on the right. For example, 10%.


  • If you update the conditions for POS credit redemption, you have to reboot the POS app for the new conditions to take effect.
  • POS credit redemption currently does not support the following:
    • Settings on Smart OMO.
    • Settings based on stores and product attributes.



2. How to apply store credits during checkout on the POS app

If there are store credits remaining in the customer's account, the customers are able to apply store credits during checkout using the POS app.



You will find an "Applied Store Credits" column during checkout as per below. ($0 Store credit deducted by default)



Enter the amount of store credits you wish to apply in the column. Click Done to apply.



You can also click the + button to apply store credits without entering the amount (The system will apply all applicable credits to the cart).



The applied store credits will be shown in the next step of checkout as well. Select the payment option to complete the transaction.



  • Ensure a stable network connection. You will not be able to apply store credits if your device is not connected to the Internet. However, you will still be able to complete the checkout process without an Internet connection. IMG_0477.jpg

  • [Coming Soon] POS redemption must meet the preset conditions and upper limit. The POS app will automatically prevent redemptions that do not meet the conditions.

    1. When the total order < the redemption threshold
      The system will block this redemption attempt and remind you of the minimum order amount for credit redemption.

    2. When the redemption credits > the maximum redemption limit
      The system will block this redemption attempt and remind you of the maximum credit redemption amount.


3. View from SHOPLINE Admin

You can view applied credits for POS app orders in SHOPLINE Admin by going to [Order Management] > [Orders]. Select the POS tab, select an order and go to the "Applied Store Credit" column under Product Detail.  



Transaction reports will also show the "Applied Store Credit" field.



4. Notes

  • Currently, the POS app only supports store credit redemption while connected to the internet. If you're offline, a "cannot (be) applied offline" prompt will be displayed. However, you will still be able to complete the checkout process without applying store credits when offline.
  • When paying off a pre-order, the statement will include the deposit and store credits applied to the original order.

  • Click the Refresh button icon if the current store credits amount shown is not updated.






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