Restrict Customers to Place Orders in Livestream and Social Posts

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SHOPLINE introduces the "Restrict" feature to prevent customers from placing orders through keyword comments on livestream and social posts, as well as participating in events. However, customers will still be able to place orders directly on the storefront.

*Note: This feature is available for Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Instagram.

This article will cover the following:


1. Enable the "Restrict" feature

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and enter an ongoing or finished livestream backstage. Then, click on the "⋮" icon next to the customer's comment to enable the "Restrict" feature on that customer.

For example: You can enable the "Restrict" feature on customers who haven't paid for the order after the livestream has ended for 3 days.

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The system will display a prompt to confirm your action. Click Confirm to restrict the customer from placing orders.

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2. Restriction scope

i. Unable to place orders with keyword comments on livestreams

Restricted customers will be unable to add live products to the cart by commenting on product keywords. The "Restrict" label will also be displayed next to the customer's comment.

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*Note: The "Restrict" label will also be displayed next to the customer in the "Comment Management" tab.

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ii. Unable to participate in livestream events

Restricted customers will be unable to participate in livestream events by commenting on the event keywords. The "Restrict" label will be displayed next to the customer's comment.

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iii. Unable to place orders with keyword comments on Social Post Selling

Restricted customers will be unable to add products to the cart by commenting on product keywords on the social post. The "Restrict" label will be displayed next to the customer in the "Comment Management" tab.

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iv. Unable to participate in lucky draw on Social Post Selling 

Restricted customers will be unable to participate in the lucky draw event on social posts.

As illustrated below, the restricted customer is unable to participate in the lucky draw even after commenting on the social posts.

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3. Lift restrictions

Go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and click on the Manage button next to the "Restricted Customer List".

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You can view the list of restricted customers, including their names, Pages / Instagram accounts, whether or not they are store customers, email, and restricted time.

*Note: If the customer is not a member, their email information will not be available.

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You can perform the following actions:

  • View customer detail: If the customer is an online store customer, click this button and it will direct you to the customer details page. Otherwise, the button will be grayed out and unclickable.
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  • Lift restriction
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4. Notes

  • Once customers have been restricted, you can still edit their shopping cart and create an order from the livestream and Social Post Selling backstage.
  • The following is the distinction between the "Restrict" and "Blacklist" features:
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Read more

Add to Blacklist | Message Center






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