Categories and Products Ordering

1. EC (EN).png

This article is going to introduce:


A.Sequencing categories

The sequence of products is organized according to the time the product is created.

 Go to "Products and Categories" > "Categories"

You can arrange the order of categories by dragging the dotted icon > Storefront display will be updated at the same time




B.Sequencing products in categories


Step 1:Click on "View Products"

"Products and Categories" > "Categories" > Click on "View Products"



Step2: Rearrange the order

Merchants can select the preferred sorting method. Products displaying on the storefront page will be sorted by the sorting method you selected. The customers will not be able to know which sorting method you are using.

For example, if you select "Sales Volume: High to Low", the products will be sorted by sales volume automatically when customers browse this category, but they do not know that the sorting is based on sales volume.

For more information about the products displayed on the category page, please refer to FAQ - Product Sorting in the Storefront


  • Sales Volume: the number of times the product have been sold ( excluding “Canceled”, “Deleted” orders )
  • Page View: the number of times the product’s page is viewed in 30 days, sorted by the number of times in descending order 
  • Add to Cart times: the number of times the product has been added to the shopping cart in 30 days, sorted by the number of times in descending order



A. Before you start to use the Storefront Default Sorting feature, please go “Hello, OOO” > “My Subscription & Billing” to check on the plan and module:

  1. If your plan is “EC” or “SC” could use this feature right away.
  2. if your plan is “Premium, O2O, Enterprise”, please go “Apps > App Store” to install this feature.



B. When you switch to the "Custom Sorting" , the system will ask whether you want to switch directly to the Custom Sorting, or to replace the Custom Sorting with the current sorting then modify it.

  1. Directly switch to Custom Sorting: Returns to the order in which the Custom Sorting was last set. If you have never set up the custom sorting before, the items will be sorted by time added, and the merchant can change the order again.
  2. Replace Custom Sorting with Current Sorting: The system automatically replaces the custom sorting with the current sorting. Merchants can change the order afterwards. 




Long-click the sign in front of product image > Move up and down to rearrange the order




C. Move / Remove products in bulk


Step 1: Select "Show All" 

If you have a lot of products that need to be rearranged in the category, you can select "Show All" button so that you can manage all of the products on the same page



Step 2: Bulk Actions

Sort by: Custom Sorting

Click on an item that needs to be moved to the top, and then click on "Bulk Actions" >> "Push to top"; or click on an item that needs to be removed, and then click on "Bulk Actions" >> "Remove Products"


Sort by: Other than Custom Sorting

Click on an item that needs to be removed, and then click on "Bulk Actions" >> "Remove Products"




D.Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: Will "Publish/Unpublish" the products affect my products' ordering?

No, unpublished products will not be displayed on your storefront; when you publish the same product again, it will be display in the same position on storefront as before.


Q2: Why did the order of the products change after the unpublished products became published?

Assuming that you have adjusted the order of the products in a category after you have unpublished a product, it is possible that the unpublished products may be affected at the same time. Here’s a simple example:

“Category A” has the following products, sorted as follows:
A + B + C + D + E + F + G

If you unpublished product B and then adjusted the order of the products before B, e.g. put A at the bottom of the list, the order would be as follows:
(B) + C + D + E + F + G + A

If you publish B back on, it will appear that B is at the top of the list.
B + C + D + E + F + G + A


Q3: How the system manage the ordering of main-categories and sub-categories?

When products belong to a main-category and a sub-category, which means when you arrange the order of the product in sub-category, the position will be also updated in main-category. In this way, merchants do not need to turn to the Main-category to update the ordering which brings convenience to merchants to manage the sorting. Take the following as an example:

Original product sequence

Main-category has products: A + B + C + D + E + F
Sub-category: D + E + F

Product sequence after adjustment

Sub-category sequence changes into: F + D + E
Main-category sequence changes into: A + B + C + F + D + E


If you select a sorting method other than the custom sorting (e.g., based on sales volume, page view, price, etc.), the order of the main category and the sub-category will not affect each other.

For example, if the main category is sorted by sales volume and the sub-categories are sorted by price, when the prices of the products in the sub-categories change, the system will only change the order of the sub-categories, not the main category.


Q4: What happens if main-categories or sub-categories switch to “Custom Sorting” and choose to replace custom sorting with current sorting (Second option in below picture), will the product sequence affect each other?


The answer is positive, for example:

Original product sequence

Main-category has products: A + B + C + D + E + F
Sub-category: F + E + D


  • Case 1: While sub-category is sorted by Custom Sorting method, and main-category chooses to replace custom sorting with current sorting, product sequence in sub-category will be synchronized with main-category.


    Product sequence after adjustment

    Main-category sequence changes into: A + B + C + D + E + F
    Sub-category sequence changes into: D + E + F

  • Case 2: While main-category is sorted by Custom Sorting method, and sub-category chooses to replace custom sorting with current sorting, product sequence in main-category will show products that is in sub-category in front.


    Product sequence after adjustment

    Main-category sequence changes into: F + E + D + A + B + C
    Sub-category sequence changes into: F + E + D


Q5: How does the system sort the category "All Products"?

The sorting is according to the sequence of product uploaded/created time and date.


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