With SHOPLINE's "Auto-reply to similar questions" feature, the system automatically replies with the corresponding content you customize when the customer's message is similar to the specified inquiry scenario.
In this article, you'll find:
1. Create auto-reply to similar questions
Step 1
In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [Message Center]. On the left menu, select [Smart Assistant] > [Chatbot]. Then, click Create reply.
Step 2
Select "Auto-reply to similar questions" as the matching method. Then, click Next Step.
*Note: Please see this article to learn more about keyword auto-reply.
Step 3
Select the inquiry scenario(s), then click Add.
When the system identifies that the customer's message is similar to the selected inquiry scenario, the system will auto-reply with the content configured for that question. As shown in the image below, if you have checked the inquiry scenario of "Freight-related inquiries," the system will automatically reply when customers ask questions about the shipping fee (e.g., what is the shipping fee policy).
Step 4
After adding a similar question, a window pops up to remind you to configure the reply content for the question.
Step 5
The "Auto-reply to similar questions" you created will appear in the auto-reply list. You can set the reply content in the following two methods:
Method 1
Click Not added under "Reply Content."
Select content from the content library.
*Note: Please see this article for the details of the Content Library.
Method 2
Click the pencil icon to enter the editing page.
You can select a reply from the content library or create a new reply.
Step 6
You can select whether to enable the reply in the auto-reply list individually. You can also edit and delete the reply.
You can also set the effective time range of the auto-reply.
- Always on.
- During specified time range - You can select the time range on the Setting page in the Message Center > [Conversation Assistant] > [Working hours].
- Always off.
2. Auto-reply to customer's message
When the customer's message is similar to the inquiry content of the "Auto-reply to similar questions," and the auto-reply is enabled and effective, the system will automatically reply with the corresponding content.
3. Notes
- Currently, only stores in Taiwan and Hong Kong are supported to use this feature.
- If the message the customer sends matches both "Keyword auto-reply" and "Auto-reply to similar questions," the system will prioritize replying with the content corresponding to the keyword auto-reply.
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