Register Shift and Daily Closing | POS App

3. POS (EN).png

To apply for this and other POS features, please contact our Merchant Success Team. 

The SHOPLINE POS system has shift and daily closing features. When a staff member clocks off from their shift, they can confirm whether the expected amount meets the counted amount with the POS system. Every time a register shift or day-end closing entry is created, the system will be updated automatically so that the store manager can view it at any time and easily grasp the store's shift record.

In this article, you'll find:

1. Close a register shift

Step 1 

Select Register Shift in the left menu of the POS app. 



Step 2. Add an entry

In the "Register Shift" section, tap Create. The cash register drawer will now open automatically. 



Step 3. Enter petty cash (for first-time set up)

After selecting a staff profile, enter the petty cash amount. (This is a required field, and the input must be greater than 0). 

*Note: The petty cash is the amount remaining in the cashier before opening.



Step 4. Cash up

Enter the totals for each payment type. Each amount entered can be 0 or in negative numbers.

*Note: it is not possible to alter the totals after tapping "Next". Please ensure the amounts entered are correct before proceeding. 



Step 5. Confirm the amount

Confirm that the amount is correct. If there is a discrepancy between the counted amount and the expected amount, the staff-in-charge is required to fill in the "Note" field to proceed to the next step. 

· Amount from last shift:The amount of cash in the cashier when changing shifts or cash float
· Amount paid by cash:The actual cash received or paid during the calculation (if there is a cash return, it will be shown in negative number)
· Expected amount:The total amount left in the previous shift + amount paid by cash
  1. If the expected amount meets with the counted amount 4.jpg

    The expected amount and counted amount are the same.

  2. In case the counted amount does not meet the expected amount:

    The expected amount does not match the counted amount.

Step 6. Cash withdrawal and end-of-day closing

  1. After confirming the amount, the member of staff in charge should then enter the withdrawal amount. Leave the field blank if you do not want to withdraw cash.
  2. Select The last register shift of the day to mark this entry as the end-of-day closing record. 



The end-of-day entry will be marked Last Shift in green.



Pause editing

If the network connection fails or the staff member has to exit the screen, tap the "Pause" button at the top left.

A paused entry will be marked "Uncompleted" as shown below.



If there is an uncompleted closing entry, staff will not be able to add a new entry, and a prompt window will pop up.


Clock out reminder

If the staff is about to clock out, a box will pop up to remind them to perform a shift closure or day closure before getting off from work.



2. Check record in SHOPLINE Admin

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Retail Store] > [Register Shift] to check each closed entry.
Merchant can filter records by using a date range, store, staff, result, and whether it is the last shift of the day. 

The management permissions of the "POS Register Shift" page have been subdivided into two kinds of permission - "View" and "Edit". Only those with permission can perform the corresponding operations. For details, please refer to this article.




Details of the shift closure or end-of-day closure:

  • Register Shift Information: The register shift time period, store, staff in charge, etc.
  • Counted Detail: The amount of each payment method
  • Withdraw: Counted cash amount, amount withdrawn, and cash remained
  • Activity Logs: The viewer can check which account created and edited the closure record


Notes on the editing page of Counted Detail can be edited but cannot be deleted.



3. Notes

  • The first closing entry will capture the sales data in the past three days.
  • If the creation time between the new and previous entry is more than 3 days, the system will capture the sales data 3 days before the creation time of the new entry.






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