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With SHOPLINE's feature "Invoice and Receipt Settings", merchants can add a logo, terms and conditions, and a footer image onto printed invoices and receipts.
This article will cover the following:
1. Setup in Admin
Step 1
In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Retail Store] > [Invoice and receipt settings].
[Coming Soon] Step 2: Select store-level settings
In the "Store-level settings" section, you can apply the same settings to all stores or customize settings for each store. The system is set to "Same settings for all stores" by default. If you switch it to "Individual settings for each store" and make changes to the settings, you have to click Save at the top right and proceed.
- Same settings for all stores
- Individual settings for each store
Click open the drop-down list to switch between your stores for custom settings (as shown in the image below).
- When you select "Individual settings for each store", each store has to be configured individually; otherwise, the unconfigured stores will revert to default settings.
- It is suggested to adjust settings during non-business hours in case any receipt is printed before you complete the configuration, which may result in discrepancies between the receipts and the expected content.
Step 3. Receipt settings
In the "Receipt Settings" section, you can check the options to display the Receipt Title, Regular Price, and Footer Image. You can also preview the results on the right.
If you check "Footer Image", please scroll down to the bottom to find the "Footer Image" section. Insert the image you wish to display.
*Notes on footer image:
- Footer images are only displayed on thermal receipts and receipt images stored in your device. Footer images are NOT displayed on invoices, receipts emailed to customers, and A4 receipts.
- Footer images are displayed in grayscale.
- Only images under 1MB and in JPG/PNG format are supported.
- The recommended image ratio is 16:9.
Upon completion, click Save in the top right corner.
Step 4. Upload your logo
- The logo will be printed onto invoices and receipts in grayscale. As a result, it is recommended to upload a clear, non-transparent, and gradient-free JPG or PNG file.
- Due to the length limit of the paper invoice, if its height is too high, the proportion of the logo image will be compressed. It is recommended to set the height of your invoice logo to 150 pixels and set the width within 400 pixels. Keep the image scaled proportionally.
- The system will automatically put your store’s Mobile Logo here. However, if you don’t have a Mobile Logo for your EC website, no logo will appear. To find your mobile logo, go to [Online Store Design] > [Design] > [Logo & Favicon] > [Mobile Logo].
Step 5. Edit terms and conditions
In the Terms and Conditions section, you will have a character count (maximum 5000) in the bottom right-hand corner.
Click Save at the top right when you're done editing.
- Terms and conditions cannot exceed 5,000 characters (all languages and not including spaces)
- If the number of characters exceeds the maximum terms and conditions, you will not be able to save your terms and conditions.
Step 6. Preview printed invoice or receipt with logo
You can see a preview of how your receipt or invoice will look when printed on the right-hand side of the page.
*Note: As the material used for printing is not optimized for color printing or transparent images, uploaded logos that are too transparent may be difficult to print. As a result, it is highly recommended that you print a sample to get a better idea of how a logo will look on printed receipts and invoices.
2. Setup in POS app
Step 1
On the POS app, go to the Settings tab then tap Invoice and Receipt.
Step 2
Under "Receipt" and "E-invoice", switch on the "Display LOGO on receipt", "Display footer image on receipt", "Print Terms and Conditions", and "Display LOGO on invoice" toggles.
*Note: The toggle is switched off by default. If you do not have a mobile logo and a footer image, the respective default wording will show "LOGO not uploaded yet" and "Footer image not uploaded yet".