[Coming Soon] New Logistic Serviceable Areas & Dynamic Shipping Rate Setup

4. EC + SC (EN).png

In order to enhance the logistics process for merchants as well as set up a diverse range of shipping options for different countries/regions, SHOPLINE is offering a brand new logistic distribution set-up and flexibility of dynamic shipping rates. Merchants will be able to set up their logistic service and delivery fee according to what best fits the country/region of their target. In this article, we will be covering how to add this delivery method and set up delivery fee calculations.

Before you start:

  1. Modules are applicable to different countries/regions based on their local plans.
  2. The current dynamic shipping rate only supports merchants using the e-Commerce plan. Not available for Social Commerce plan users.


This article will cover the following:


1. How to add a new delivery option

Step 1.

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Settings] > [Delivery Options]. Click Add to create a delivery option. 

To find out more about applying for integrated logistics options, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.



Step 2. Select shipping/delivery type

  • Pickup:
    • For HK merchants, orders can be picked up via S.F. Express or HOP! service.
    • For TW merchants, orders can be picked up via 7-11 and FamilyMart.
  • Custom: The delivery address field is optional.


Step 3. Edit shipping/delivery name and description

Fill in the name and description of the shipping/delivery method. It is recommended that merchants specify the area and shipping cost per delivery method, and check the box Display these instructions on the checkout page for clarity.


Note: Each shipping/delivery method should have a set of detailed instructions specific to that method.

2. Add delivery/shipping rates

SHOPLINE now offers the ability to set different weight-based or flat-rate shipping fees for customers in different countries/regions. 


i. Flat Price

Choose Flat Price from the "Delivery Fee Type (per order)" drop-down menu, then select the countries/regions you want the shipping/delivery fee rate to apply to. 



Click Edit Serviceable Area to select the areas the sub-areas you want the shipping/delivery rate to apply to.



Select serviceable sub-areas of the countries/regions you have chosen.



After selecting, check and confirm the areas you have selected.



Note: If you add more sub-areas at a later time, the areas you have already selected will be grayed out.



ii. Weight-based (Order Weight) delivery/shipping rates

Choose Order Weight from the "Delivery Fee Type (per order)" dropdown menu, then choose either Custom Weight Level or Fixed Weight Level



Check the areas you want this delivery/shipping rate to after selecting shipping countries/regions and enter the delivery fee by weight criteria. You can enter a weight of up to two decimal places (e.g. 1.01 KG)

In the example below, customers will be charged $200 for orders with a total weight below 2 kilograms and $300 for orders above 2 kilograms:



Weight-based (Order Weight) shipping/delivery fee type: Fixed Weight Level

Previously, merchants had to set individual rates for deliveries over/under a certain weight. The Fixed Weight Level option allows merchants to set a rule for the subsequent incremental increases in weight.

For example, if a merchant enters 0.55 in the "When exceeding 2 kg, for every subsequent _ KG" field, and 100 into the "Delivery Fee" field, then a customer will be charged an extra $100 for every subsequent 0.55 kilograms added to the weight of the delivery. 



iii. Product Quantity Based Delivery Fees

In the Delivery Fee Type drop-down menu, select "Product Quantity" and click "Custom Product Quantity Level" or "Fixed Product Quantity Level".



A. Custom Product Quantity level

After you have chosen the Country/Region, set up the delivery fee for each product quantity level.

With the following image as an example:

The delivery fee will be based according to the total product quantity at checkout. 

  • 0-5 units (including the 5th unit), the delivery fee will be 60 NTD
  • 5-10 units (counting from the 6th unit, including the 10th unit), the delivery fee will be 100 NTD
  • Above 10 units (counting from the 11th unit), the delivery fee will be 150 NTD



B. Fixed Product Quantity Level

After you have selected the country/region, fill in the delivery fee for the starting and exceeding quantity.

To use the following image as an example: When the total checkout quantity is 0-1 units, the delivery fee will be 80 NTD; when the quantity exceeds 1 unit, for every following two units, the delivery fee will be 60 NTD. 

For example, if the customer purchases 3 product units, the delivery fee will be 80+60=140 NTD.



  • This delivery fee type supports all logistic types and dynamic shipping rate.
  • Product, Product Set, Add-on Products are all included in the total quantity calculation during checkout (Product set is viewed as 1 product unit); gifts are not included.
  • If the order placement consists of only gifts, even if the total is 0 units, there will be a delivery fee because the system calculation begins at 0 units. It is suggested that you add a delivery method just for gifts.  
  • If you have already created a delivery fee for this delivery method, should you later disable this feature, the system will not automatically delete this delivery method so you will need to manually do so. 
  • A. When you create a custom product order for a customer in the “Order Management” tab, it will not be included in the total quantity calculation during checkout.
    B. When you place a custom order for your customers in the Social Commerce tab, it will be included in the total quantity calculation during checkout.
    For example: If you set 0-1 units to be a 50 NTD delivery fee, 1-2 units will be 100 NTD. This order now consists of 1 in-store product, 1 custom product:
    In Situation A, the delivery fee for the checkout total will be 50 NTD because custom products are not included in the quantity calculation during checkout, thus totaling 1 product unit.
    In Situation B, the delivery fee for the checkout total will be 100 NTD because custom products are included in the quantity calculation during checkout, thus totaling 2 product units.


Other related settings

  • You can use the filter function to find the delivery option by country/region quickly.
  •  You can use the + and buttons to quickly edit the range of order weight and their corresponding rates.

EN_3_2.png *Note: Merchants can add a maximum of 20 delivery/shipping rates.

  • You can click on Duplicate to quickly add another set of shipping rates for different countries/regions.




3. Delivery option applies to all promotion campaigns 

After clicking Add, a window will pop up to ask if the option is going to apply to all promotions. 


Select the option for whether to apply the delivery option to all valid promotion campaigns. You can go to the Promotions & Campaigns page for editing in the future.

Note: The scope of automatic application includes the following promotion before or during the promotion period: 

  • Promotions
  • Free Shipping 

  • Bundle Price

A prompt reminder will appear at the top right of the page, click the link to view the progress of applying the delivery option to promotions.


After the setup, go to any promotion campaign page in the store to check that the delivery option that was just set up has been checked.



4. Storefront checkout page and delivery fee calculation

i. Cart checkout page:
Customers that have selected a delivery/shipping method for which there are area-based dynamic rates will not be able to view the shipping rate on the cart checkout page. This is because the system is unable to calculate the rate until the customer has entered their delivery address. A message will appear informing customers of this situation above the "Proceed to Checkout" button. 



ii. Delivery details on the checkout page:
Customers that want to use a shipping/delivery option for which there are area-based dynamic rates will only be able to do so if their address is a "Serviceable Area", according to your store's settings. The delivery fee will be calculated after the customer fills in their address.
Example: For West & East Malaysia, the delivery fee is RM100 for the West, and RM500 for the East.

There will be a note of renewal if the delivery fee changes.


5. Notes

  • Once you finish setting up, you cannot change the delivery method, delivery providers, COD, and delivery fee type.
  • Since dynamic shipping rates are more complicated, it is suggested that merchants include a statement about shipping rates and criteria in the delivery description section. 
  • The feature does not support manual orders on Facebook Messenger and orders created SHOPLINE Admin. 
  • Customers in Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Thailand won't have their addresses applied on the checkout page after this feature is released. Such customers will have to save or renew their addresses in your store's member center.
  • New delivery methods won't be automatically applied to the existing promotions. Please go to [Promotions] in SHOPLINE Admin and change the settings. 
  • Bulk imported customer addresses are not currently supported for the new dynamic shipping rate. When checking out, customers will not be able to select default addresses bulk imported by a merchant. 
  • Some providers offer COD service to specific regions, e.g. Malaysia provider: Ninja Van. To apply for these services, please contact our Online Merchant Success Team.
    • In special cases or where merchants have to use the local currency (For example, Singapore) the system will display a COD option that can be selected.
    • Once a merchant sets up a COD shipping/delivery option, the system will automatically create a COD payment option.






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