Facebook Live | Lucky Draw

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With SHOPLINE's "Lucky Draw" feature, you can create a lucky draw event to interact with customers in real time, as well as provide information related to products or a store. This can help promote your store and boost sales.

*Note: This feature supports Facebook Page/ group and Instagram livestreams. This article demonstrates the settings for Facebook Page. Please see Facebook Group Live Events and Integrating Instagram Live for the setup procedures for Facebook group and Instagram livestreams. 

This article will cover the following:


1. Create a lucky draw event 

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live]. Click on the Create live stream button on the top right, select Facebook Page, then click Next.

To know more about creating a livestream, please read SHOPLINE Live | Integrating Facebook Live.



Step 2

Create a Facebook Page livestream and click on the Event button.



On the event page, click the ⊕ Add button. 



Step 3

Select Lucky Draw in the window.



Step 4

A. Complete basic settings

Fill in the event title, keyword, quota, and time.


  1. You must fill in fields that have an asterisk (*) next to them.
  2. The event keyword cannot be the same as any of the keywords used for ordering products. For example, if one of the products being sold during a livestream has the keyword "BLACKFRIDAY," then the lucky draw keyword cannot also be BLACKFRIDAY. This rule only applies to products that have been added to a livestream.
  3. Keywords can only be alphanumeric and cannot contain any spaces, symbols, or special characters. For example, Christmas, merrychristmas, luckyme.
  4. Viewers can participate in the lucky draw by leaving a comment with the event keyword. The capitalization of English letters does not affect the keyword matching.
  5. The event quota (i.e., the number of lucky draw winners) must be greater than 0.
  6. If you do not set an event time, you will need to start the lucky draw manually. 



B. Advanced Setting (optional)

  • Tagged friends
    • Customers have to tag friends and comment event keywords in the same comment to be eligible to win.
    • Merchants can set the number limit (Max.: 5) of friends tagged.
  • Liked LIVE Post
    • Customers have to react LIKE to the current live stream to be eligible to win.
    • Other reactions (e.g., WOW, Care, Love) are NOT eligible. 
    • If a customer taps later to unlike, the system will still count it as eligible. 
  • Users Who Have Purchased Before
    • Customers who already have created order(s) through the previous livestreams are eligible to win.
    • Customers who have received the shopping cart link or created manual orders by the merchant through the livestream backstage are also eligible to win.
  • Product Keyword Commented: Customers have to leave comments with at least one product keyword of the current livestream to be eligible to win.
  • Not a Winner: Customers who have commented event keyword in the current livestream but have yet to win are eligible. (For example, a merchant creates multiple lucky draws in a livestream. If customer A wins in lucky draw A, customer A will not be eligible for the next lucky draws.)


C. Add the prize content (optional)

  1. Click select product to select the existing products for the prize. 
    For example, give out a super-limited product as a prize.
  2. Click select gift to select the existing free gift for the prize.
  3. Click Set discount to enter the discount name and amount for the prize. You can also set up the discount expiration time. Upon completion, the discount will become the lucky draw prize.Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 12.04.11 PM.png


  • Products and free gifts that are out of stock or unpublished cannot be added as prizes.
  • Hidden products can be added as prizes.
  • If you select a product as the prize, store promotions can be applied to the prize at the same time.
  • In addition to selecting existing gifts as lucky draw prizes, you can also click Create Free Gifts to add the name, quantity, and image of the gift.Screenshot_2023-02-01_at_3.58.19_PM.png
  • If the quantity of the prize inventory is less than the entered event quota, a prompt message will appear in the upper right corner of the page, yet it is still possible to create a lucky draw.3.png


Step 5

Customize 4 event messages below according to your needs. Each message must be less than 400 characters. 

  1. Event start message 
  2. Event end message 
  3. Draw message 
  4. Winning message 

You can apply the dynamic texts to the editing field. For example, click to insert the "Event title" dynamic text; when the system sends this message, it will automatically insert the name you have set for this event. 

If you do not edit, the system will send the default message. At last, click Create to successfully create the lucky draw. 


*Note: If you offer a discount as the prize, the default draw and winning message will notify the winner that the discount will be applied automatically upon checkout. 



After adding a new event, it will be added to the list of already created events for your livestream. Click on the + button next to an event on the list to see a preview of the event messages. 



Merchants can click on the three-dot More Actions button next to an event to edit, copy, or delete an event.  

*Note: It is not possible to recover an event once it has been deleted. Only once you are sure you want to delete an event should you click Delete Event



The information listed below will be copied when clicking Copy Activity:

  • Event quota
  • Event time
  • Advanced setting
  • Prize content
  • Event message

Merchants can modify the event title and the keyword for the copied event. 



2. Start a lucky draw event

After creating a lucky draw event, you can begin preparing to accept customer entries. Click on Connect to Facebook Live to begin your livestream. Once you have started your live, click on the GO button next to an event to start the lucky draw. 



A green confirmation message will appear on the top right of the window once an event has begun. You can also find the "Ongoing" label.


  1. You cannot change or edit a lucky draw event once it has started. 
  2. If you end a live stream before drawing a winner or before the scheduled end time, then any ongoing lucky draw events will end automatically.  



You can click the Announce Event button in the "More Actions" menu to post a comment under a livestream that lets viewers know that the lucky draw event has started. 



The number of viewers that have successfully entered a lucky draw event will be recorded in the "Event Info" section. 



Comments left during the lucky draw event will appear in the comment section.



3. Draw a winner 

A winner can either be drawn manually at a time of your choosing or automatically when an event ends. 

A. Manually draw a winner 

Merchants can click on the Draw Now button next to an event to immediately draw a winner. 



A window will appear with the option of two methods for drawing a winner to choose from: 

  1. Announce the winners directly in the livestream backstage
  2. Open another effect page to show the drawing process  



Open another page to show the lottery process 

This option provides a step-by-step overview of how the winner is drawn, including a list of all entrants along with their Facebook profile photos. 
*Note: It is not possible to make to share the pages of the drawing process with viewers of the live stream directly. You can take a recording of each step to show to event participants and other viewers. 



Once you click on Announce winner and draw a winner, a page will appear announcing the winner of the lucky draw event, and the winner will receive a notification message via Facebook Messenger. A comment announcing the result of the lucky draw will also appear automatically on your livestream. 



Announce the winners directly in the livestream backstage

This method bypasses the step-by-step overview of the drawing process and simply draws and announces the winner in a comment on your live stream. 



Regardless of what method is used, the winner of the lucky draw will receive a message via Facebook Messenger telling them that they have won the event. The winner will also be tagged in a comment announcing their win on the live stream. 




If there is a prize in the lucky draw, a shopping cart link will be included when sending a message to the winner.


  • Currently, the lock inventory feature can be enabled when a product is selected for the lucky draw prize. 
  • Even there are only prizes in the shopping cart, the customer can still checkout successfully.
  • The customer will be not able to checkout if the prize inventory is insufficient.



B. Automatically draw a winner 

If merchants have set a time for a lucky draw, it will automatically end the event and generate a list of winners after the time ends. The system will also post the lucky draw results in a Facebook live message and send a message to the winners. The situation follows the manual draw method in the livestream backstage.

*Note: If merchants use cross-broadcasting (multiple posts posted to other Pages), there may be duplicate winners.

Tips: The system judges the winners based on the PSID 
(Facebook Page user number).
If viewers use the same Facebook account and leave messages on
different Pages, they will all be regarded as different PSIDs.


4. Other operations

A. Draw an extra winner 

You can draw an additional winner of a lucky draw event by clicking on the Draw One More button next to an event. The additional winner will receive a notification message via Facebook Messenger, and will also be tagged in a comment announcing their win on the live stream. 



If you are drawing on the effect page, click on the Draw One More button to draw an extra winner. 




B. Comment filtering 

Merchants can use the "Activity Comment(s)" filter from the "All Comments" dropdown menu to view comments left by event participants. 

  • Event Comment(s): Comments that include the event keyword
  • Winner Comment(s): Comments left by lucky draw event winnersfilter_comment_1.png


C. Remove discount

If you have set a discount as the prize, you can remove the winner's discount manually after the event.


If you set up the discount expiration time, the discount status will become "Expired" after the expiration time.

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5. Add event prize manually

There are three ways:

1. In the comment section of ​​the live broadcast dashboard, click the shopping cart icon or select gift at the bottom left of the product list, and manually add the prizes in the live broadcast to the customer's shopping cart.



2. On the [Social Commece] > [Message Center] page, click Manual Order then and click Select Product, or click Select Gift at the bottom left of the product list. Merchants can then manually add the lucky draw prize to the customer's shopping cart.



3. On the [Social Commerce] > [Manual Order] page, under 2. Add Product, click Select Product, or click Select Gift at the bottom left of the product list. Merchants can then manually add the lucky draw prize to the customer's shopping cart.







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