* Supported only for: HKD stores/Hong Kong-based merchants.
In this article, you will learn the information required for applying for SHOPLINE Payments as an individual.
Step 1. Basic review
Please select Individual for the business type and enter your personal information.
*The application for an "Individual" account only accepts persons with Hong Kong permanent resident status.
- The basic personal information must be the same as shown on the identity document. You must use the same applicant information for the basic and advanced reviews. The bank account holder for payouts must be the same as the applicant's name.
- The "transaction name" is the name displayed on the customer's monthly card statement. Please use a name that is highly recognizable so that customers will know can relate the transaction to your store (limited to 19 characters in length)
- The email address will receive notifications from SHOPLINE Payments (limited to 32 characters in length).
After filling in the information, please check "I agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service" box and click Submit primary documents.
Step 2. Advanced review
The holder of the payout account will be reviewed. After completion, the funds can be automatically remitted to the bank account and used for refunds directly through the Admin.
1. Information of the person in charge
- The information must be the same as shown on the ID card/ passport.
- Upload ID photo - All text and images must be clear. The file format can be JPG, PNG, JPEG, PDF, and WORD. Please upload the image within the size limit of 100KB - 10MB or a document within the size limit of 1KB - 10MB.
- Please do not enter a P.O. Box address.
2. Payout bank account details
- Please select the bank to which the payout account belongs in the “Bank Name” drop-down menu. The account name will be the same as the name on the business registration certificate. Please enter the bank account number with the branch code and account number (xxx-xxxxxxxxx).
- Please upload a bank account opening certificate or bank statement issued in the last 6 months. All text must be clear and readable. The account holder must be the same as the applicant's name, and the date, address and bank account number of the monthly statement should be clear and readable.
- Currently only one bank account is supported as the default payout bank account.
3. Store information
After completing and uploading the documents required, select the sales type and enter the main product you sell and GMV. Please read and check "I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service," and then click Submit to submit for the advanced review.