ONE Omni Channel

3. POS (EN).png

The SHOPLINE ONE Omni Channel management platform is a tool that integrates the inventory of online stores and retail stores, providing 5 major functions to facilitate store management.

The features in ONE:


1. List of Shops

If merchants have both online and retail stores, they can synchronize all the backend information on customers, products, orders, and management into one place.

You can use the "List of Shops" page to view the online and retail store structure. Click the drop-down arrow on the left of the online store to expand and view the list of retail stores under the online store. Click the Admin button (as highlighted below) to enter the store Admin to manage customers, products, orders, and inventory.



Click Edit on the right of each store to view store information and its warehouse. (If you need to adjust the primary warehouse, please contact the Online Merchant Success Team.)



What is a shipping warehouse?

ONE Omni Channel uses the "Warehouse" tool to manage inventory. Every store must set a "Shipping warehouse" as it is used to track units of product during each sale. You can also use the "shipping warehouse" feature to select whether you want "shared inventory" or "independent inventory" among the subsidiary stores.

A. Shared warehouse: Different stores are set to the same warehouse. It means both stores share the same inventory, when an item is sold in one store, the inventory for both stores is affected.
For example, if you have one online store and two retail stores, the online store and Nanxi store share one inventory, and both the "primary" warehouse is set as the shipping warehouse. While the Ximen store sets "Ximen warehouse" as the shipping warehouse, which is an independent inventory.

Store Warehouse
Online store primary
Nanxi store primary
Ximen store Ximen


The available stock* of Product A in each warehouse:

* "Available stock" = The actual inventory of the product, which is also the saleable quantity shown on the online storefront or POS. When a customer places an order, the available inventory will be deducted, and when the customer cancels the order, the available inventory will be restored.

  Primary warehouse Ximen warehouse
Product A 10 3

Then the inventory of Product A appeared in the shopping cart/cashier of each store will be:

*Note: Currently, the inventory displayed on checkout, purchase order, and inventory count pages on the POS are available in stock.


If there is an order for 1 Product A created from the online store, the available inventory of the primary warehouse will be deducted. Since the shipping warehouse of the Nanxi store is also the primary warehouse, so the inventory of the Nanxi store will be affected. The deducted quantity of available inventory is as follows:



B. Independent inventory: Different stores have different shipping warehouses. It means that the stores have independent inventory, and the inventory change of one of them will not affect the other.
For example, one online store and two retail stores have different shipping warehouses, and there is no shared inventory.

Store Warehouse
Online store Primary
Retail store - Nanxi Nanxi
Retail store - Ximen Ximen


The available stock of Product A in each warehouse is as below:


The inventory of Product A in the shopping cart/checkout page in each store is as below:


When there is an order for 1 Product A from the online store, the available stock of the primary warehouse will be deducted. However, the inventory of the other warehouses will not be affected. The result after the deduction is as below:



2. List of warehouses

The "Warehouse" tool in ONE Omni Channel manages the inventory. Each store must set up a warehouse which will then be the designated place to which quantities of goods are added or deducted.

Click Warehouse to view the list of warehouses. To modify the warehouse name and address, click Edit. (If you need to add or adjust the primary warehouse, please contact the Merchant Success Team.)




3. Product management

The "Products" tab is to view the product inventory from the perspective of warehousing. When adding new products in the Admin, it will be synchronized to the Product tab as "inventory item*". In addition to viewing the currently available stock, merchants can further manage the total stock, stock pend to delivery, and stock available for sale.

  1. Name: The name of the product in the warehouse
  2. Variant: The number of variants for multi-variation items.
  3. Available Stock: The actual inventory of the product, which is also the saleable quantity shown on the online storefront or POS. When a customer places an order, the available inventory will be deducted, and when the customer cancels the order, the available inventory will be replenished.

*"Inventory item": Since the ONE Omni Channel may be used to manage the inventory product of more than one online store (e.g.: a Taiwan store bound to a cross-border e-commerce store), the "inventory item" will be bound to the product name created at the beginning and cannot be changed later.



Click Manage on the right to view the product details. There are two tabs on the management page: Sales Channel and Inventory.



i. Sales Channel

Click on the drop-down menu to look at the product variations located in different warehouses. Click Edit to change the shipping warehouse. 



Product information: Expand the list to view the inventory of the variant at different stores. Since the product information of the online store and the retail store are the same, the product information will not be shown separately in the retail store column. Please go to the SHOPLINE Admin to view the product details.



Inventory information: The columns include the warehouse and available stock of the variant at each store.



ii. Inventory

You can view the different variations of the product and the available stock in all warehouses (the definition of available stock is the same as above). You can also adjust the available stock for each warehouse.



4. Inventory

In this tab, merchants can search the inventory item, and adjust the inventory of the product in each warehouse in bulk.
*Note: The product name displayed in blue is the name of the inventory item (i.e.: the product name created at the beginning), and the name in black is the product name at the store. Please enter the product name in the languages available for operation, otherwise, the system will record the only available language version.



A. Quick filter products

Multiple filtering conditions can be set at the same time but multiple keyword searches are not supported.

1. Search by the name of the inventory item.



2. Select Sales Channel from the "Sales Channel and Warehouse" drop-down menu to view the published status, cost, and inventory of all products at the selected store.


You can also search by the product types: Product/ Add-on items/ Free Gift, or by the name, SKU, or barcode.



3. Select Warehouse from the "Sales Channel and Warehouse" drop-down menu to view the product name, SKU, barcode, and inventory at the selected warehouse.



4. In the drop-down menu of "Available Inventory", you can filter the items whose available inventory is lower than a certain value or "Out of stock" to adjust the inventory.



B. Edit the inventory

1. Individually: Click on the number for the inventory, enter the stock amount you want to increase/decrease/set, and click Save at the upper right to complete the update.



2. In bulk: Check multiple products and change the warehouse inventory in bulk.


*Please read this FAQ for more details on adjusting inventory: How to Manually Adjust Inventory 


5. Permission settings

Considering that the administrator may be different for online stores and the ONE Omni Channel, SHOPLINE offers a permission setting tool that allows merchants to adjust the parameters of access for each administrator. 

*Note: Administrators of the online store are required to obtain permission before accessing the ONE Omni Channel.

Go to the [ONE Omni Channel] > [Permission Settings] and enter the staff's email address to set them up as administrators. Since the stores on the ONE Omni Channel may come from different countries/regions, it is important to set the correct language of the administrator’s activation email. (Only Traditional Chinese and English are currently supported)



After adding the administrator, merchants can set the permissions of each feature. Administrators can obtain permissions to only view and/or edit the five functions. Check the box for "Give Full Access" to grant the administrator full access to ONE Omni Channel.



After the setup, the system will automatically send a notification email to inform the staff.

If an online store administrator's email is used for adding the staff on ONE, the staff can directly use the same account and password to enter the ONE Omni Channel. If a new email is used, the staff will be asked to set a password before they can enter ONE Omni Channel.







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