LINE Live | Broadcast

2. SC (EN) (2).png

You can use the "Broadcast" feature in the livestream backstage to send messages containing text, links, and product images to customers. For example, remind customers to complete the checkout process after placing an order to increase conversion rates, or announce the next live broadcast to enhance interaction.

This article will cover the following:


1. Add a broadcast

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live] and select a LINE livestream.

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Step 2

In the livestream backstage, click the "Broadcast" icon.

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Step 3

Click Add broadcast.

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[Coming Soon] Cross-Channel Broadcast

You can send Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or LINE broadcasts from LINE Live. For more details, please refer to this article.

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Step 4

Click Last interaction time and Customer Group to select the target population.

i. Last interaction time

  • All LINE contacts.
  • LINE contacts who have interacted in the last 24 hours.
  • LINE contacts who have interacted in the last 72 hours.
  • LINE contacts who have interacted in the last 7 days.
  • LINE contacts who have interacted in the last 30 days.
  • LINE contacts who have interacted in the last 365 days.

*Note: If you do not have a verified or premium LINE Official Account, the "All LINE contacts" option will not be selectable.

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ii. Customer Group

  • All customers.
  • Specified customer groups: Click Select customer group to select the customer group created in [Customer Management] > [Customer Group]
  • All customers commenting in this livestream.
  • Filter customers commenting in this livestream: Filter customers based on the creation status of "Cart", "Order(s)", "Payment Status", and "Upload Payment".

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*Note: If you are using LINE "Live Catalog" livestream mode, you can only select "All customers" and "Specified customer groups".

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Upon selection, the "Total sent" section will display a total of x people who can successfully receive the message. The actual number of successful people is subject to the result.

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Step 5

Set up the broadcast content. There are two types of content formats: Text and Image.


  • Currently, only one image can be uploaded per image message. The file format must be JPEG, PNG, or GIF, with a maximum size of 800 x 800 pixels.
  • You can send up to 5 broadcast messages at once.

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Click the 截圖 2024-06-04 上午11.17.26.png icon on the right to sort the content order; click the "trash" icon to delete the content.

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Step 6

Set up the broadcast send time.

  • Send now.
  • Schedule send time: select the time and date.
    *Note: The system selects the target population based on the sending time. 
    For instance, if you choose "LINE contacts who have interacted in the last
    24 hours" and schedule the send time for June 20 at 10 a.m.,
    the system will select LINE contacts who interacted within the 24 hours
    leading up to June 20 at 10 a.m.

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2. Send a broadcast

Confirm the broadcast content and target population. Then, click Send.

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The broadcast will be sent to the target population.



You can view the broadcast send time, target population, send status, etc. in the broadcast information.

*Note: Please refresh the page to view the latest send status of the broadcast.

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The following describes the actions available for each sending status:


  • View broadcast: You can only view the broadcast content. Editing is not supported.
  • Copy broadcast: You can only copy the broadcast content and send time. You need to reselect the target population.
  • Edit broadcast: You can only edit the broadcast content and send time. Editing the target population is not supported.

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