Store Bulletin Board / Header Settings|One-Page Store

1. EC (EN).png


One-Page Store's "Store bulletin board" and "Header" features help extend visitors' browsing time on your webstore and display more product information, thereby increasing conversion rates.

⚠️ Before you start, please note that:

  • These features are only supported in One-Page Store.
  • SHOP Builder currently supports Ultra Chic, Kingsman, Varm, and Philia templates. If you switch to other templates, the One-Page Store will be unavailable.

This article will cover the following:


1. Store bulletin board settings

Step 1

Follow the steps for product and store layout setup in One-Page Store. Then, click Product Image and Text.



Step 2

You can choose to add a "Text" or "Countdown" widget and set its display method and duration. 



1. Text Enter the title you want to set for this One-Page Store; the "language" drop-down list allows you to switch to other languages supported by the store (the reference image above is in English). 
2. Countdown

For more information on the Countdown widget, please refer to Countdown|SHOP Builder.

3. Display method

There are 2 display methods, "Slider" and "List All". If you choose Slider, you can set the interval duration.

For more information, please refer to this article.


*Note: Use the 截圖 2024-04-30 06.25.07.png icon  on the left to adjust the arrangement of the widgets. 



Step 3

When the settings are completed, click Save in the lower left corner. To delete the Text or Countdown widget, click the trash bin icon 截圖 2024-04-30 06.34.54.png .




Step 4

After saving, you can preview the content on the right. You can also click the Preview Page button on the top right to view the complete storefront.



Step 5

After you complete and confirm all the above-mentioned settings, click Publish. Your customer will then be able to view the changes made in this One-Page Store.



2. Header settings

Step 1

Follow the steps for product and store layout setup in One-Page Store. Then, click Header.



Step 2

Find the "Display LOGO" toggle. Switch it on to display the logo in the header. Switch it off to hide the header.



Step 3

Once the settings are completed, click Save in the lower left corner.



Step 4

After you complete and confirm all the above-mentioned settings, click Publish. Your customer will then be able to view the changes made in this One-Page Store.






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