Facebook Live|Merchants Starting Livestreams & Customers Placing Orders

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Apart from streaming directly with SHOPLINE Live, you can also connect one or more Facebook Pages to a SHOPLINE livestream, greatly increasing audience interaction and enhancing product exposure.  

⚠️ Note: This article will cover how merchants can start a Facebook livestream and how customers can place orders. For how to set up a livestream, please refer to this article.

This article will cover the following: 


1. How to connect to a Facebook Live

i. Connecting to a single Facebook Page 

Step 1. Open your Facebook Page and create a new livestream by clicking the Live video button. You can broadcast the livestream using a desktop or mobile device.


Step 2. Select Go live


Step 3. Choose "Webcam" as your video source, and add livestream video details. Once you are done setting up, click Go live.


*Note: Make sure in [Settings] > [Stream] the "Allow encoder to end stream" and "Embed live video" toggle switches are turned on. 


Once the livestream begins, the time will start running in the bottom left corner, and you will be able to see the livestream in the bottom right corner.


Step 4. Return to the livestream backstage and click on Connect to Facebook Live.


On the Facebook livestream you have just created, click Connect

*Note: Only Facebook Live posts that are scheduled or in progress will appear in SHOPLINE Live. The system doesn’t support linking Facebook Live posts that have been created but have not yet begun. 


ii. Crosspost to several Facebook Pages 

Step 1. Once you have set up your video source and livestream details (refer to steps 1-3), click Crosspost to more Pages or select [Distribution] > [Share to Page's groups] from the left menu.


Step 2. Choose the pages on which you would like to post the livestream, and click Continue to complete the crosspost setup. 


Step 3. Click Go live


Step 4. Return to the livestream backstage, and click Connect to Facebook Live.

Then, click Connect in the pop-up window. You can then view your Facebook Live from the livestream backstage.

*Note: The "Crosspost" tag will appear.


iii. Supports crossposting to more pages after the livestream begins

If you have started the Facebook livestream, once you have connected your Facebook Live, you can still crosspost to more pages in the Facebook admin. As a result, regardless of which page a customer is commenting from, the system will be able to apply keyword ordering features to the comments.

If you want to view the "Connect Time" between the Original Post and Cross Post, click the Facebook logo on the top right corner. 

*Note: This button will only appear when the livestream is in "Live" or "Finished" mode. 


2. Livestream features overview

i. Backstage interface & livestream tools

During the livestream, you can perform the following actions:

  • Click the  icon to edit product keywords, change exclusive prices, modify product information, and remove the product.
  • Click the or  icons to enable or disable keyword ordering for the product.
  • Click the  icon to recommend products to your audience.
    *Note: An unpublished or out-of-stock product cannot be recommended. 
  • Reply to customers' comments on the right.


You can also click More Actions and then Bulk edit to edit product keywords and change livestream-exclusive prices for multiple products.


Click the icon to end the livestream or end it from Facebook Page.


ii. Viewer interface & keyword orders

While viewing the livestream, viewers can leave comments containing keywords (e.g., A1, B2, etc.) or keywords + quantity (e.g., A1+2) to add 2 of the products A1 to the cart.

Customers will then receive a message via Facebook Messenger, informing them that the product has been added to their cart successfully.


The logic of detecting the keyword:


*Note: The number after the keyword will be recognized as a quantity 
instead of a keyword.
For example, product keywords are "A1" and "X2":

- Customer's comment: A1X2X2.
- Customer's shopping cart: Two items A1 and one item X2.


When customers click on the Checkout button in Facebook Messenger, they will be redirected to the checkout page on your store's website. 

*Note: After a livestream ends, customers can still rewatch the livestream and continue placing orders using keyword comments for the next 180 days.


In the livestream backstage, you will also see that the customer has been labeled as having successfully placed an order.



  • If you enable the "Account is required for checkout" option, customers who wish to log in using LINE must manually enter their account and password when selecting LINE as the login option within the Facebook in-app browser. To avoid errors when opening the livestream shopping cart link, please refrain from choosing "Log-in with LINE app.

  • If you do not enable the "Account is required for checkout" option, customers who wish to log in with LINE for checkout can copy the shopping cart link and open it using their default browser. This will allow them to utilize the "Log-in with LINE app" option for account verification.



Read more

Facebook Live | Integrating Facebook Live and Setting






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