Delivery Options Linked to Specific Payment Options

4. EC + SC (EN).png

Merchants are able to limit the delivery options for specific payment methods.
For example, customers cannot check out with bank transfer if they choose "International Shipping".


Step 1 

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Settings] > [Delivery Options] to set up all of your delivery options.


Step 2

Click the Add button to set up "Payment Type", "Payment fee", "Name of Payment Method", and "Payment Instructions".


Step 3 

Go to [Settings] > [Payment Options] and select a payment method. Scroll down to the "Excluded Delivery Options" section. Tick the delivery option(s) you want to exclude when customers choose this payment method. Click Update to save the setting.



That way, when a customer chooses the excluded delivery option, they are not able to choose that payment method.

Take an example: If "International Shipping" is chosen as delivery option, customers are not able pay by bank transfer.


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