In this article, you will find the steps of setting up a bank transfer payment option and suggests way to verify payment.
Step 1. Login
Login to the SHOPLINE Admin panel
Step 2. Add a new payment option
Go to [Settings] > [Payment Options]. Click the Add button to create a new payment option.
Step 3. Choose "Bank Transfer"
Choose Bank Transfer under "Payment Type".
Step 4. Edit "Payment Instructions"
We strongly recommend merchants remind customers on informing them of successful transfers via the "Shop and Customer Comments" box on the order page.
Merchants can enter both bank details and reminders under "Payment Instructions".
This is the order confirmation email customers would receive after payment is made
Step 5. Order display
Customers can upload transfer receipts and comments after clicking the View Order button in the email.
You can view the uploaded images and comments in the order details in the Admin panel.