Assigning products to different categories helps with store organization and makes it easier for shoppers to find what they're looking for.
This article cover the following:
- How to add a new category
Product category settings
- Check products in categories
- Add Category Banner
1. Adding a new category
Step 1. Go to the category management page
In SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Products & Categories] > [Categories].
If this is your first time setting up a category, you will find the preset "Featured (Show on the homepage)." You can remove this category by clicking Delete.
Step 2. Click Add
Fill in the name of the category and optional SEO details (SEO Preview is only available when the "Title" and "Description" fields have been filled out.)
2. Product category settings
A1. Bulk assign & categorize products
SHOPLINE Admin features several bulk action tools that allow merchants to quickly and efficiently add/remove groups of products to/from a particular category.
This can save time when creating a new category (For example, a category for products included in a promotion).
- Bulk Assign Products to Category
Step 1. [Products & Categories] > [Categories] > [View products]
Step 2. Click [Add products to category]
Step 3. Select the products you want to add to the category
A notification will appear in the upper right-hand side of the window confirming how many products have been successfully added to the category.
*Note: Bulk assign to category will not affect the original categories of the product.
1. You will not be able to select products that have already been assigned to the category.
2. Unpublished products cannot currently be assigned to a category as part of a bulk action.
Unpublished products need to be assigned to a category individually by going to [Products & Categories] > [Products] > [Edit] and going to the product's [Categories] tab.
- Remove products from category
Step 1: Go to [Products and Categories] > [Categories] > [View products]
Step 2: Select the products you want to remove
Step 3. Click [Bulk actions] > [Remove Products]
A notification will appear in the upper right-hand side of the window confirming how many products have been successfully removed from a category.
A2. Updating categories with bulk actions
Remarks: Categories with no products will not be displayed at your storefront
The following is a step-by-step guide to updating categories using bulk assign/remove actions.
- Assign to categories in bulk
Step 1. [Products and Categories] > [Products] > Select the products you want to assign
Step 2. [Bulk Actions] > [Assign to Categories]
Step 3. Select the category/categories you want to assign the products to
Please note: The categories you assign a product to here will replace any categories the product has been assigned in the past.
- Remove from categories in bulk
Step 1. [Products and Categories] > [Products] > Select the products you want to remove
Step 2. [Bulk Actions] > [Assign to Categories]
Step 3: Leave all of the categories unchecked, then click [Assign]
A3. Assigning to categories from a product's page
In addition to being able to assign products in bulk from [Categories], you can also assign products to categories in [Products].
Step 1. [Products & Categories] > [Products] > [Edit] > [Categories] tab
You can assign a product to categories directly in the [Categories] tab by checking the boxes under "Product belongs to these Categories (can choose more than 1)". Click [Update] to save your changes.
3. Check products in categories
Go to [Products & Categories] > [Categories] > View products.
4. Add Category Banner
To add a banner image for a category, in SHOPLINE Admin go to [Products and Categories] > [Categories] and then click Edit next to the category you want to create a banner for. Click on Add Photo to add banner images. Images must be either a JPG or PNG file. Click Update to save your changes.
- Recommended image size: 1920 x 896 px.
- You can upload a maximum of 10 images for a carousel banner.
- The same banner image will be used on all language versions of your store.
- After you have added a banner image, you can click on [Image Url] to add a link to an image. Choose either [Open link in current tab] or [Open link in tab]. Customers will be taken to linked site when clicking on the banner image.
- After you have uploaded your images, you can drag and drop to rearrange the order you want them to appear on the carousel banner.
- Once you have updated the category page with your changes, the banner image will appear automatically on your storefront.
For more details about the Product Listing Page Layout and how to add a description in a category page, please refer to: