Bulk Create/ Update Purchase Order|POS Admin

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If you have more than one store (including your online store), you can choose to bulk create or bulk update purchase orders when you manage them in the SHOPLINE Admin. By using sheets, you can manage a series of purchase orders efficiently in one go.

In this article, you'll find:


1. How to bulk create purchase orders

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Inventory Management] > [Purchase Order]. Click the Export/Import button and select Bulk Create/Update Purchase Order in the drop-down list.


Click Create Purchase Order on the pop-up window. pastedGraphic_2.png

Step 2. Download ID reference file

In the "Bulk Create Purchase Order" page, please download the ID reference file first.
*Note: The ID reference file contains information including IDs of stores, employees, products & variations. Since the system only identifies the IDs you enter in the purchase order file, we recommend you confirm related IDs before proceeding to the following steps.

Click Download ID Reference File. You can choose to export all products or select specific product categories and suppliers for this purchase. Please be noted that you can only export up to 10,000 products when selecting product categories or suppliers. If the selected filters cover more than the quantity limit, you will not be able to download the ID Reference File. To avoid it, you can:

  1. Re-select the filters to cover less than 10,000 products;
  2. Export all products, except that it will take longer processing time.

Click Download after choosing.

*Note: If you don't have more than one store or don't have any employees or products, the corresponding tab in the file will not contain any data.pastedGraphic_4.png

Introduction of the ID reference file

1. ID_channel

Tab "ID_Channel" lists the IDs of all stores (including your online store) and their store names respectively. Deleted stores are not included.Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 5.35.00 PM.png

2. ID_employee

Tab "ID_employee" lists the IDs of all staff and their names respectively (resigned and deleted staff are not included).


3. ID_product and variation

Tab "ID_product and variation" lists the ID, product name, variation ID, variation name, SKU, cost, and supplier of the products (deleted products and variations are not included).

Step 3. Download sample file

Click Download Sample File to download the sample file for bulk-creating purchase orders. The sample file contains 3 tabs: Template, Instructions, and Example. Please refer to the "Instructions" and "Example" tabs before entering information in the "Template" tab.


  • DO NOT change the order of the tabs (Template > Instructions > Example) to avoid upload failure.
  • You can edit up to 50 purchase orders in one sample file. Each order can include up to 300 main products and 500 products with variations.



Introduction of sample file

The sample file contains 3 tabs: Template, Instructions, and Example. You have to edit your purchase orders in the "Template" tab. Please DO NOT change the order of the tabs (Template > Instructions > Example) to avoid upload failure.pastedGraphic_9.png

Below is the introduction of the "Template" tab. You can also refer to the detailed instructions in the "Instructions" and "Example" tabs.
*Note: Fields marked with * are required ones.

  • Purchase Order Handle* 
    Please assign numbers for the purchase orders in numerical order (starting from 1). Enter "1" for the first purchase order. Enter "2" for the second purchase order, and so forth.
  • Purchase Store ID*
    The ID of the purchase store. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. 
  • Purchase Store Name
    The name of the purchase store. If the store name entered here doesn't match the store ID, the system will change the store name according to the store ID. 
  • Staff ID*
    The ID of the staff. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. 
  • Staff Name
    The name of the staff. If the staff name entered here doesn't match the staff ID, the system will change the staff name according to the staff ID. 
  • Scheduled Arrival Date
    The scheduled arrival date. Please enter the date in YYYY/MM/DD. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. 
  • Other Fee
    Other fees related to the purchase. Please enter only numbers. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. *Note: Decimals are supported if the currency has decimal digits. For TWD stores, decimals are not supported.
  • Custom ID
    The customizable ID for the purchase order. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. 
  • Remarks
    Remarks of the purchase order. For the same purchase order, you only need to enter it once in the first row. 
  • Product ID*
    The ID of the product. Please refer to the ID reference file for the corresponding ID.
  • Product Name (Traditional Chinese)
    The Chinese name of the product. If the product name entered here doesn't match the product ID, the system will change the product name according to the product ID.
  • Product Name (English)
    The English name of the product. If the product name entered here doesn't match the product ID, the system will change the store name according to the product ID.
  • Variation ID
    The ID of the variation. Please refer to the ID reference file for the corresponding ID.
  • Variation Name (Traditional Chinese)
    The Chinese name of the variation. If the product name entered here doesn't match the variation ID, the system will change the variation name according to the variation ID. 
  • Variation Name (English)
    The English name of the variation. If the product name entered here doesn't match the variation ID, the system will change the variation name according to the variation ID. 
  • SKU
    The SKU of the product. If the SKU entered here doesn't match the variation ID, the system will change the SKU according to the variation ID. 
  • Purchase Quantity*
    Please enter a number greater than 0.
  • Cost
    The cost of the product. Please enter a number greater than 0. If you leave the "cost" field blank, it will be filled with the cost of the corresponding product set in the Admin.
    *Note: Decimals are supported if the currency has decimal digits. For TWD stores, decimals are not supported.

Step 4. Upload sample file

Back to the Admin, click the "+" button to select the completed sample file for uploading. The file needs to meet the following requirements:

  1. No larger than 10 MB
  2. .xlsx format
  3. No more than 50 purchase orders

*Note: If your file doesn't meet the requirements, the system will show a notification for amendments.pastedGraphic_10.png

Click Import to upload the sample file.pastedGraphic_11.png


Step 5. Complete bulk creating purchase orders

In the SHOPLINE Admin, you will then be redirected to [Report & Analytics] > [Bulk Action Process]. The system will check whether the uploaded file meets all requirements. Once the status of the file changes to "Done", it has been imported successfully.pastedGraphic_12.png

Please be noted that "Failed" in the status indicates that you have imported an invalid file, e.g., an order report. If the status is "Done" while the "Job Detail" field lists a number (>0) for the "Failed" indicator, it indicates field errors in your sample file. You can click Download Failure Report to check the reasons.pastedGraphic_13.png

Failure report description

The failure report contains Tab "Bulk Create Result Summary" and Tab "Result Detail".

  • Tab "Bulk Create Result Summary":
    This tab includes purchase order handles, results, and purchase order numbers.

  • Tab "Result Detail"
    This tab lists the reasons for field errors, and the fields with errors are marked in red.pastedGraphic_1.png


2. How to bulk update purchase orders

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Inventory Management] > [Purchase Order]. Click the "Export/Import" button and select Bulk Create/Update Purchase Order in the drop-down list.pastedGraphic_14.png

Click Update Purchase Order on the pop-up window.pastedGraphic_2.png

Step 2. Download ID reference file

In the "Bulk Create Purchase Order" page, please download the ID reference file first. This step is the same as that when you bulk create purchase orders. For more details, please refer to the aforementioned instructions.


Step 3. Update purchase orders

There are two ways to bulk update your purchase orders: by selecting purchase order to update or by downloading an empty sample file to edit and upload.

A. Select Purchase order to update

Click Select Purchase Order To Update and an "Export Purchase Order Records" window will pop up. Select the purchase order you would like to update (multiple selections) and click Export. In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Report & Analytics] > [Bulk Action Process] to download the updated file for the selected purchase order(s). The original data will be automatically included in the file.


  • You can only select purchase orders whose status is "New" or "Received".
  • You can export up to 50 purchase orders at one time.


B. Download sample file

Click Download Sample File to download a new empty file for bulk update purchase order data.

C. Introduction of sample file

The file contains 2 tabs: Purchase Order and Instructions. You have to update your data in the "Purchase Order" tab. Please DO NOT change the order of the tabs (Purchase Order > Instructions) to avoid upload failure.

If you choose to update by clicking Select Purchase Order To Update, the downloaded file will be inserted with the original data of the selected purchase order(s). Edit the fields according to the guidance in Tab "Instructions". As some fields in the "Purchase Order" tab are identical to that in the sample file for bulk creating purchase orders, the following is the introduction of the unique fields in the "Purchase Order" tab. For details of the identical fields, please refer to Introduction of sample file above.
*Note: Fields marked with * are required ones. Blue highlighted fields indicate no changes are needed. These fields are subject to the system decision.pastedGraphic_16.png

  • Purchase Order Number*
    The number of the purchase order. It is automatically filled in.
  • Create Time
    The time when the purchase order is created. This is automatically determined by the system, and no changes are needed.
  • Order Status
    The order status of the purchase order. This is automatically determined by the system, and no changes are needed.
  • Arrival Status
    The arrival status of the purchase order. This is automatically determined by the system, and no changes are needed.
  • Staff ID*
    The ID of the staff. You can edit the staff ID.
  • Staff Name
    The name of the staff. If the staff name entered here doesn't match the staff ID, the system will change the staff name according to the staff ID.
  • Staff ID for Storage Staff
    The staff ID for the storage staff. You can edit the staff ID for the storage staff.
  • Staff Name for Storage Staff
    The name of the storage staff. If the staff name for storage staff entered here doesn't match the staff ID for storage staff, the system will change the staff name according to the staff ID for storage staff.
  • Total Purchase Quantity
    The total quantity of the purchase order. It will be automatically calculated after the update file is imported, and no changes are needed.
  • Total Receive Quantity
    The total received quantity of the products in the purchase order. It will be automatically calculated after the update file is imported, and no changes are needed.
  • Complete Purchase Order
    You can complete purchase orders whose Total Receive Quantity is > 0. Enter "Y" or "N". The column for all purchase orders is filled with "N" by default.
  • Expected Cost
    The expected cost of the purchase order. It represents the Total Cost + Other Fees of the purchase order products. It will be automatically calculated after the update file is imported, and no changes are needed.
  • Actual Cost
    The total cost of received products of the purchase order. It will be automatically calculated after the update file is imported, and no changes are needed.
  • Scheduled Arrival Date
    The scheduled arrival date of the purchase order. The format is YYYY/MM/DD. Please follow this format if any editing is needed.
  • Product ID*
    The ID of the product. Please refer to the ID reference file for the corresponding ID. The following are the things to be noticed when editing:
    • If you enter a new product ID, this product will be added to the purchase order.
    • If a product is removed from the Admin, the product can still be received but its inventory will not be updated.
    • If you enter a deleted product, the product will not be added when you upload the file.
  • Barcode
    If the barcode entered here doesn't match the variation ID, the system will change the barcode according to the variation ID.
  • Purchase Quantity*
    Please enter a number greater than 0.
  • Receive Quantity
    You can edit the received quantity. If you leave the field blank, the number 0 will be automatically filled in.
  • Total Cost
    The total cost of the purchase order products. It represents Purchase Quantity * Cost. It will be automatically calculated after the update file is imported, and no changes are needed.
  • Remove Purchase Item
    By entering Y or N, you can decide whether to remove the product from the purchase order. This column is filled with "N" by default. *Note: If there is only one product in the purchase order, it cannot be removed.

Step 4. Upload sample file

This step is the same as when you bulk create purchase orders. Please refer to above Step 4. Upload sample file for more details.

Step 5. Complete bulk updating purchase orders

This step is the same as when you bulk create purchase orders. Please refer to above Step 5. Complete bulk creating purchase orders for more details.

*Note: During bulk updating purchase orders (while the status is changing from "Processing" to "Done") if you successfully edit and update the same purchase order in the Admin or on the POS app, the bulk update will fail. Vise versa, if the bulk update is done first, the update in the Admin or on the POS app will fail.


3. Receive products and complete purchase order

The steps of receiving products and completing purchase orders are the same as when you create a regular purchase order. Please refer to Receive products and complete purchase order for more details.


4. Bulk create/ update purchase order record

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Inventory Management] > [Purchase Order]. Click on any purchase order to view its record.pastedGraphic_17.png

In the activities logs of the purchase order, you can see the changes derived from bulk import.pastedGraphic_18.png


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