Facebook Live | Retrieve Keyword Orders

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SHOPLINE releases the "Retrieve Keyword Orders" feature that allows you to add additional products and retrieve customers' keyword comments after the livestream has ended.

⚠️ Notes:

  • This feature is currently only available for the Facebook page/group livestream.
  • Livestream that has ended for more than 14 days will be unable to use this feature.

This article will cover the following:


1. Setup

Step 1

Once the livestream has ended, go to [Social Commerce] > [SHOPLINE Live], and enter the livestream. Then, add products to the livestream.

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Step 2

Click the More Actions drop-down menu at the top right and select Retrieve Keyword Orders.

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Step 3

Click Retrieve Keyword Orders. Once you have read the relevant notes, select Confirm. The system will detect the customer's comment and add respective products to the shopping cart.

*Note: As the system does not entirely detect and add products to the shopping cart based on the comment's order, the system could not guarantee first-come-first-served for products with limited stocks.

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2. Retrieving keyword orders

Upon confirmation, a "Processing" prompt will appear at the top right of the page.

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Click [More Actions] > [Retrieve Keyword Orders] one more time to see the progress.

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Upon completion, it will show the number of keyword comments retrieved.

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*Note: You must refresh the page after the keyword is retrieved. A label will appear under each retrieved keyword.

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The system will send a message notifying the customer that the product has been added successfully to the cart.



3. Retrieve keyword orders again

If customers leave another keyword order, you can follow the steps above to add live products to the livestream, select [More Actions] > [Retrieve Keyword Orders] and click Retrieve again to retrieve the keyword order again.

*Note: You can retrieve keyword orders as much as 10 times for each livestream. You will be unable to retrieve keyword orders for livestreams that have ended for more than 14 days.

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Upon completion, it will display the record of each retrieved keywords and the time.

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