[Coming Soon] Cart Number

4. EC + SC (EN).png

*Note: This feature is available to Taiwan / Hong Kong stores using the Multiple Product Attributes for Checkout feature. For details, please refer to [Coming Soon] Multiple Product Attributes for Checkout.

Merchants can use the cart number feature to manage multi-attribute order checkout and Admin operations more efficiently.

This article will cover the following:


1. Check the cart number

After activating the Multiple Product Attributes for Checkout feature, you can see the cart number by going to [Order Management] > [Orders] in the store Admin.

Please refer to [Coming Soon] Multi-Attribute Products Order Checkout to learn more about setting up the checkout for multiple product attributes.



You can also enter the keyword to search for the cart number.

*Note: Please enter the correct and complete cart number.



2. Cart number and related sub-orders

The cart number is a collection of all product attribute sub-orders in the same cart. A cart number means a customer's checkout, and a sub-order represents a product attribute.

For example, as shown below, the three order numbers in the red box share the same cart number C20230224085306143. It means the customer checked out the items of three product attributes at a time, generating a cart number and three sub-orders; the same case applies to the green box.

Please refer to [Coming Soon] Multi-Attribute Products Order Checkout to learn more about setting up the checkout for multiple product attributes.



After clicking the order number, you can find an order page similar to the ordinary order page, with an additional "cart information" section at the top.

Please refer to Instructions | Order Management to learn more about using the order details. 



Descriptions of the cart information

Cart number It is generated from the Multiple Product Attributes for Checkout feature. It is the serial number for sub-orders of each product attribute.
Total checkout amount The total amount of all sub-orders with this cart number.
Point discount The total amount redeemed by member points for all sub-orders with this cart number.
Points earned The total member points earned from all sub-orders with this cart number.
Applied store credits The total amount redeemed by store credits for all sub-orders with this cart number.
Credits earned The total store credits earned from all sub-orders with this cart number.
Related Order Number The multi-attribute sub-order numbers that belong to this shopping cart number.

Please refer to [Coming Soon] Discount Allocation for Sub-Orders | Multiple Product Attributes for Checkout to learn more about allocating promotion discounts to multi-attribute sub-orders.


3. Export cart number in a report

Step 1

In the SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Order Management] > [Orders]. Click the More Actions button and select Export Order Report



Step 2

Select the date range of the order report, and check the box for "Cart Number" under "Customize Export Template." Click Export to export the report. 



Step 3

Go to your mailbox and click Download to get the order report.



Step 4

You can get the order report in a .xls format, as shown below.



4. Notes

  • Store credits and member points are assigned when all sub-orders with the same cart number are completed or cancelled. For example, store credits or member points will be assigned to the customer when 2 out of 3 sub-orders are completed; the last order has been cancelled. The same case applies when 4 out of 4 orders have been completed.
  • The invoice information the customer enters at checkout will appear on sub-orders with the same cart number. Invoices will be issued for sub-orders individually, i.e., one invoice for the corresponding amount and item of one sub-order.
  • If the payment status is updated by the payment service provider, the system will also update it to all sub-orders with the same cart number. If the payment status is manually updated in the SHOPLINE store Admin, it will not be updated to other sub-orders.
  • If the delivery status is updated by the logistics service provider, the system will also update it to all sub-orders with the same cart number. If the delivery status is manually updated in the SHOPLINE store Admin, it will not be updated to other sub-orders.



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